ホットチョコレート - Hot Chocolate

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"It looks like Saya tired herself out." Light remarked as he watched Matsuda try to pick up the sleeping six year old without waking her.

Watari stepped in to try to take her but Matsuda shook his head, "I can put her to bed." The older man nodded and let him do as he wished.

After passing through security Matsuda took Saya up to her room and gently tucked her into the bedsheets. He smiled and gingerly placed a kiss on the little girl's forehead. "Sweet dreams, Saya."

Meanwhile, Temari was in her own room, staring at the ceiling and trying to calm the expressway of thoughts that ran around and around in her head. Meeting Misa raised a lot of questions. Why does Light still have her around if he obviously doesn't like her? She greeted Ryuk earlier so she must have some kind of connection to the wishing notebook. Maybe she accidentally touched a page just like Temari had and now Light has to be nice to her so that she doesn't spill the secret.

All this thinking was starting to give Temari a headache. She got up from bed to get a drink of water from the kitchen. On her way there she decided to check on Saya and Ryuzaki to make sure that they were okay. Saya's room was quiet and she was sleeping peacefully in her neat and tidy bed as she should.

However, just as Temari had predicted, Ryuzaki's room looked like it had been through a tornado. Papers, books, and wrappers lay scattered everywhere. There were two large windows and a bed in the middle of the space. Through the light from the moon and city, Temari could see that Ryuzaki was indeed asleep. He had curled himself into a ball on the bed, devoid of blankets and pillows, with his thumb close to his mouth. Ryuzaki's lean body shivered and twitched every few seconds. Temari wasn't sure if it was from the lack warmth or nightmares plaguing his slumber.

Finally, Temari made it to the kitchen. What she didn't expect was to see a certain elderly man setting up a machine at 11:00 at night.

"Are you having trouble sleeping, Temari?" He asked her.

She shrugged, "I guess."

"I was just setting up Ryuzaki's cotton candy machine." Watari explained, "Would you like me to make you some tea?"

Temari made a disgusted face, "I don't like tea."

"That's right. I sometimes forget that you lived in America. Would hot chocolate be an effective substitute?"

"Yes. Thank you, Watari."

He simply nodded and got the materials to make the drink. In a few minutes the most delicious looking cup of hot chocolate was placed in front of her. Miniature marshmallows covered the top and a peppermint stick poked out of the white fluffy candies.

"This is the best thing I've ever tasted." Despite the temperature, Temari gulped down the cocoa with impressive speed.

Watari chuckled, "Temari, if this supposed to help you go to sleep, you're not supposed to drink it all at once like that."

"Sorry." She apologized, "It's just so good."

The older man turned around and then placed a framed photograph in front of her, "This is from earlier today. You may place it wherever you like."

Temari looked over the picture and smiled. Saya, Misa, and Matsuda were grinning were just as sunnily as their personalities. Light seemed to be smirking ever so subtly. Ryuzaki and Watari's facing expressions were more subdued, as they always were.

She hugged the frame to her chest. These people made her feel safe, like she belonged. They are her family and she'd love them no matter what.


QOTD: favorite sports anime/manga?

like most of the current anime population, it's yuri!!! on ice.  i love yurio he's so angry all the time and he has pretty eyes.

also you guys should watch bamboo blade.  it's about kendo and has pretty much all female main characters who kick ass.

badass girls with swords, what else could you ever want out of anime tbh

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