それを取り除きます - Get Rid Of It

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When Temari came back to the investigation room she saw that two new TVs were lit up. One displayed Misa, the other had Light, and the last showed Chief Yagami in a cell of his own. She didn't know why the chief was in a prison cell but she had a feeling that it was for the sake of his son, Light. It didn't take a genius to figure out that they had a very strong sense of loyalty to eachother.

Temari looked anxiously around the room. Even Matsuda wasn't his usual cheerful self. She took a deep breath. This going to be really tough.


It's been five days. Five days and no new criminals have been killed. Not a single one.

When Light was first imprisoned Temari was sure that the killings would continue as normal, that nothing would change and Light would be set free soon, but that didn't seem to be the case. All the evidence was starting to point directly towards Light.

This was starting to scare Temari. What if he really was Kira? No, he couldn't be. If he was Kira he wouldn't just turn himself in like this. He promised Temari he wasn't Kira. Light wouldn't break a promise as important as that one.

Chief Yagami was faring even worse than all of them combined. Temari couldn't even imagine the pain he was feeling. She wished she could tell him everything, that Light is innocent and he'd be okay, but there was no way that could happen.

"Temari, could you put some honey in this?" Ryuzaki asked and looked at his teacup, "The tea is quite bitter today." He pressed on the intercom to Light's cell, "Light, how are you feeling?"

The girl turned around, took Ryuzaki's cup, and rummaged in the box that held some sweetening garnishes. The honey was at the very bottom.

"I know I must look pretty bad in here," She heard Light say, "But this useless pride, I suppose I'll have to get rid of it."

Temari finished stirring in the honey and returned the cup to Ryuzaki, who mumbled a thank you.

She noticed Ryuk was gone from the cell. That struck her as a bit odd. Ryuk is always around Light. Another offbeat thing was the expression on Light's face. His eyes were wide and he looked confused.

"Ryuzaki, I realize I was the one pushing for confinement and I was the one who asked you to put me in here, but I just realized something important-this is completely pointless! Because I'm not Kira!" He begged, "You have to get me out of here!"

A gasp rose from the investigation room. What is he doing? He's acting exactly as Misa. This just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"I can't do that." Ryuzaki answered, "I promised you that I wouldn't let you out until I was completely convinced that you were not Kira."

Nothing is making sense. Temari's head started to spin with questions. Why is Ryuk gone? Why is Light acting this way? Although she knew it was wrong, Temari really hoped that criminals would start dying soon. There is only one way to end this torture and that was it.


so guys what do you think of the story so far?  i try to add my original ideas and scenes but also keep my characters as close to canon as possible.

this chapter was kind of a filler but in the next we'll get back to the fluff

QOTD: naruto or dragon ball z?

i choose naruto

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