復活 - Resurgence

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//alright I'm changing a few things here. First off, the time skip is only going to be for three years instead of like six. That means Temari is 16, Sayu is almost 20, Saya is 9, Matsuda is about 30//

Three men, one blonde haired girl, and a very bored shinigami sat on the couches in the Yagami living room. Ryuk yawned and wandered around. It wasn't any fun listening to them go on and on. The only ones that could see and hear him were the youngest pair of people on the couch, and Ryuk knew that he would just be ignored anyway. He couldn't wait for this meeting to be over. There were apples waiting for him back at the windowsill. The shinigami licked his lips, anticipating the juiciness. They would taste so good.

"But still," Chief Yagami continued, "It's impossible for us to censor everything on the internet. We haven't had any new leads in a while either. We even let Temari go back to school, and she's supposed to act as L with Light."

"I still think that the people putting names and faces online are the ones that deserve to die." Matsuda disagreed, "Kira gets a lot of his information from the internet. If you put a person online they're going to die. But of course, Kira isn't going to kill the people putting up the names."

Misa giggled and shook her head, "Matsu, you've got it all backwards! You're so silly."

"We're home!"

Two teenage girls came through the front door and waved to the task force members. One of them was almost a full head taller than the other even though she was younger. Dark blue eyes peered out from bangs that desperately needed trimming. She gasped as she recognized the four individuals in the room before her.

"Temari!" Matsuda leaped up from his spot on the couch and engulfed the girl in a hug, "I missed you so much. You're even taller than me now."

"I missed you too, Uncle Matsu. And yes, I'm 5'8 now." Temari earnestly hugged the older man back, taking a deep breath and relaxing, "I promise I'm not going to stay away for that long ever again. How is Saya doing?"

"She's doing great. I pick her and Yumi up from school on Wednesdays and Fridays. She wishes you would come visit her more, though."

Temari nodded, "I will. Tell her that my entrance exams are over and that I got into college. I'll visit her soon."

It had been three months since she had last seen any of them. Since moving into the Yagami household Temari had become an on and off member of the task force. At first she didn't go back because of Ryuzaki's death. The walls and memories still haunted her. For a while she couldn't even look at the building without bursting into tears. Luckily the case had been progressing very slowly so that left plenty of time for her to get back her mindset.

Light had convinced Temari to enroll in school again. After the Kira case was over she would need at least a high school diploma to get a job anywhere. Plus if she started college she would have even more to add to her resume. Going to school helped Temari get her mind off of the people that she had lost. Besides, she knew that Ryuzaki would have liked to see her learning and socializing.

"I still can't believe she got in." Saya said, "Well, she did graduate from high school a year ahead of schedule, but To-Oh University! Light went there too, you know."

Matsuda broke the hug and looked at the other girl across the room, "Is that you, Sayu? You're all grown up now. And pretty."

Sayu smiled and nodded, making her chocolate brown hair bounce on her shoulders, "You're Mr. Matsuda, right? Thanks for taking such good care of my dad and Temari. I really appreciate it."

Misa laughed, "Matsu your face is turning really red! Awweeee Matsu has a crush! Matsu has a crush! Matsu has a crush!"

Temari snickered and shot a glance at Matsuda, whose cheeks were quite a rosy shade of red.

"I think you'd be a good catch, Mr. Matsuda." Sayu said.

"D-Do you really mean it?"

"Yeah, he'd actually make a decent husband." Temari agreed, "He's great with kids, doesn't drink alcohol, and could probably do most of the housework. Just don't let him near too many chemicals. He might accidentally cause something to explode."

"Well, you can forget it. There is no way I'm letting Sayu marry a cop." Chief Yagami huffed.

Mrs. Yagami placed a tray of teacups down on the coffee table, "I agree. There is no way I would want that for my daughter."

"You're too tough on me, Mom and Dad." Matsuda joked, "I never got the chance to propose or even tell her that I liked her."

"You know, I was thinking that maybe if you were a little younger I might have considered going out with you sometime." Sayu said with a grin.

Temari graciously patted Matsuda on the back, "It's okay, man. Your middle age was bound to get to you one way or another."

"I'm 30! That's not middle aged!" Matsuda protested, "Besides, you're young and tall and have your whole life ahead of you. Don't pick on your sad uncle." He groaned and slumped over the coffee table dejectedly.

Light took a sip of his tea, "I guess my little sister really is all grown up."

"Uh-huh!" Misa exclaimed, "She's already way more mature than Matsu!" She clung to Light's arm, "But my Light is just as wonderful and handsome as the day I met him!"

Temari smiled. It looks like those two haven't changed at all. Misa still stuck to Light like glue, much to his displeasure. It felt good to see them again.

Ryuk chuckled, What a heartwarming scene from the most unfortunate family in the world

Chief Yagami's cell phone rang, "What is it, Aizawa? What? Yes. We'll be there right away." He hung up and turned to the rest of the people in the room, "Light, Matsuda, Aizawa just called. We have to go to headquarters immediately. Temari, if you're not doing anything tonight, I think I would like you to oversee this with us."

"Of course." Temari nodded, "I'd be glad to help."


"Dr. Takimura, the deputy director of the NPA, has been kidnapped." Chief Yagami explained as soon as they were inside the task force building, "They're not sure who is behind it."

"We got the call about 45 minutes ago." Aizawa added, "It's been traced back to the deputy director's cell phone."

"Did they kidnappers ask for any ransom?" Temari asked.

Aizawa sighed, "Yes. Yes, they did. They want to make a trade. The director for the notebook."

Temari bit her lip. The notebook. There could only be one notebook special enough for it to be worth a human's life. The Death Note.

"Did you tell the director about the notebook?" Light questioned, "I thought we agreed that this would stay between the six of us."

Chief Yagami shook his head, "I didn't say anything to him. There is no way he could have known."

"Then who is it that knows about the notebook?"


isn't that a great gif of matt?  i wish he got more character development he had so much potential

also i just want to make it clear that temari is really tall for her age.  she's even taller than sayu and matsuda.

QOTD: tell me some of your own death note headcanons!

also i personally believe that L would be a good artist. he may or may not have drawn some pictures for saya in his free time (shhhhhhhh)

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