会議 - Meetings

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Near took a look at the plastic figures set out before him. It had taken a little while for them to arrive, but now that they were finally here he could communicate with the toys as models. Included in the set was a plastic cork gun and miniature model of the NHN building.

Along with the toys he had also found reports with the identities of all the task force members, including U. U wasn't listed as a police officer, instead she was on the page of volunteers. As soon as Near saw the name Temari Penber he knew it had to be her. Raye Penber was one of the FBI agents killed in the beginning of Kira's reign. It would make sense that his daughter would continue his work. U had also mentioned that she started working with the Task Force at age 12, which was four years ago, around the time that her father died. All the pieces fell into place. Temari Penber is U.

Kira's and the second L's identity had also become painfully obvious to the boy. To act as Kira and L the person had to be someone young, someone smart, someone cunning and insightful with full access to task force information even before working on the case. There was only one person that fit all of the criteria.

Light Yagami

Alright, let's review what we know." Near took out a plastic figure with brown hair and a black marker, placing the figure in front of where Rester was sitting, "L is Light Yagami and also Kira." He scribbled messy letter onto the flat front of the figurine, "We'll call him L-Kira."

Near took out a different figure, "There is also a different person that is currently using the notebook. We'll call him X-Kira. Judging by the pattern of X-Kira's killings, he has made the deal and acquired the shinigami eyes."

The boy set a third toy out in front of the previous two, "L-Kira and X-Kira are not able to communicate directly. They must be planning to use Takada as sort of a messenger."

"So, given the situation as it now stands, there are two ways to win against Kira." Near pulled out the cork gun and pointed it at the two figures, "First, there is the simple way."


Both of the toys lay on their back, struck down by the cork gun

"We arrange to kill both L-Kira and X-Kira and confiscate the notebook. However, no matter what happens, we will never resort to that."

"Why not?" Rester asked, "They would both receive the death sentence anyway."

Near shook his head and stood up both of the figures, "That's not the way we do things, Commander."


"Yes, that's right." The boy answered, "We kill those two and the murders stop, such ex-postfacto justification is not tolerated. That's not how L and I do things. That would be an insult."


"Delete. Delete. Delete."

A tall man with jet black hair sat in his office chair writing steadily into a notebook. Every time he finished writing a name a small smile would spread across his face. He knew that God was out there watching his judgments. He wanted to make sure that God knew that choosing him wasn't a mistake. He would be useful to God.

A small pink cell phone on his desk rang and displayed a contact number.

"Kiyomi Takada?" The man whispered and then answered the phone, "Yes?"

"I have an important message for you." The woman on the other end of the phone said quietly, "You are to send me a fan letter that I will be able to recognize as yours. You are also to enclose five blank pages from the notebook."

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