カウントダウン - Countdown

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Temari couldn't help but feel overwhelming sadness as she looked up at the TV screen in the cramped apartment. Kiyomi was dead too. Kiyomi, Mello, and Matt all in one day. Temari had known all of them personally. They were good people with good intentions.

Near seemed confident that after the meeting today this case would be drawn to a close. Temari hoped that turned out to be true. The longer this went on, the more people would die. And she really didn't want that to happen.

"Awe, you look adorable." Matsuda exclaimed as soon as Temari stood up, "It looks like that outfit I picked out was the perfect choice."

Temari looked herself up and down, "I guess so. Thanks Uncle Matsu."

Although she hated to admit it, the outfit Matsuda had put together really did look good on her. A dark blue blazer and skirt with a cream colored undershirt, really did bring out her best features. The only thing Temari didn't like was the leather loafers. They didn't fit at all and pinched at her toes. But complaining would only create problems, so Temari decided it was best just to suck it up.

"I've got something for you." The older man placed a long piece of dark blue fabric around her neck, "It's a tie. Now you match with the rest of us. Cute, right?"

Temari smiled, "Cute. I agree." She picked up the ends blankly, "Now how do I tie it?"

Matsuda laughed, "Here, let me do it." Almost effortlessly, he tied the corresponding ends into the perfect knot.

"It looks great." Temari gave her the man a quick hug, "Thanks for doing this. You're a good man, Matsuda."

"Of course. Now, we'd better get going. The rest of the task force is probably waiting for us."

The girl nodded, "Right."

Temari and Matsuda left the apartment in silence, anxiously awaiting the day that lay ahead of them. Today was the day. January 28th 2013. The day that they would meet Near.

Upon arriving at headquarters, Light quickly ushered the two into the room where the notebook was locked away. Each task member entered their part of the passcode and the safe was opened.

Light fixed a notebook holding device to Temari. Long thin straps held a clear plastic compartment in place right next to her left shoulder. Aizawa handed Temari the notebook. The girl took a deep breath and slipped it in between the sheets of see-through plastic. It was really happening. They were going to see Near. The case would be closed.


Much like the walk to headquarters, the drive to the wharf was silent. Not even Matsuda dared to speak. Temari kept reassuring herself that everything would be good. Everything would be okay. The nightmares in her sleep would stay transparent. They wouldn't become real. Light isn't Kira. Light isn't Kira.

Finally, the car stopped in front of a large building along the coast. Raindrops slid down whatever surface they could find available. Temari shivered. Ever since that day on the roof, she'd hated rain. It never led to anything good.

Light led the single file line to the rusty red door that acted as the entrance to the warehouse. Temari stood behind him, followed by Aizawa and Ide, with Matsuda bringing up the rear. The brown haired man pulled on the handle, sliding open the door.

Captiously, Temari stepped inside after her predecessor. About five meters away stood four people. Well, three people stood, the other crouched on the floor with this head facing downwards. Temari knew this had to be Near. But something was different about him. When he lifted his head, she realized that she was looking at a mask.

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