机 - Desk

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"Hiya! So you're Temari, aren't you?" A girl about 16 years old leaned close to Temari and took the box she was carrying from her hands, "I'm Sayu. I can take this to Light's old room for you."

"Sayu, don't scare her." Light chuckled and led the slightly unnerved girl up the stairs, "Temari is more of the listening type."

Temari cautiously followed Light to her new room. The Yagami residence seemed to be pretty typical, there was nothing too special about the house or family. She'd at least be able to tolerate being here. It wouldn't be anything like living with Ryuzaki and Watari, but at least she has a roof over her head.

"Whoa! You have a lot of manga!" Sayu opened the box she had been carrying and held up a volume of Ghost Hunt.

Temari knelt down next to her, "I like manga."

"Cool!" Sayu's eyes glittered, "Do you watch TV too? I like Hideki Ryuga. He's really hot. And do you read Vampire Knight? None of my friends have any of it past volume number four and I really want to read it."

Temari shook her head, "I don't read that. But I do have Toradora. That's kind of similar."

Sayu squealed with joy and prattled on about the various manga she's read. Temari nodded and smiled politely while she unpacked the boxes that Light brought into the room. Finally, sensing that Temari needed some time alone, Light took Sayu downstairs to help prepare dinner.

The brunette girl stopped unpacking and laid down on the bed for a minute. It slightly comforted her that Light used to live here, and she trusted Light, but the whole move just felt wrong and unnatural. She wanted Ryuzaki here with her. But she knew that in life, there are some things that you will want but cannot have.

Temari sighed and slid off the bed, landing on the floor with a thud. The tired girl dragged herself over to the nearest box and picked up a notebook and colored pencils. She decided that these would go in one of the drawers of the desk under the computer.

When Temari went over to the desk she noticed that one of the drawers still had the key in it, thus probing her curiosity. She turned the key to discover a clearly labeled diary. Temari made a mental note to give the diary to Light later but when she took it out of the partition she noticed something was off.

She knocked on the underside of the drawer and then on the surface where the diary had been placed. It was just as she thought. The drawer was hollow, there was a secret compartment. Temari knew that Light was smarter than to just create an ordinary run of the mill fake bottom, something had to be different about it. She made sure to be careful as she looked around for the access to the compartment.

There was a very tiny hole on the underside of the desk drawer, barely a millimeter in circumference. Could that be it? Temari looked around her room for something that would fit in the small hole. In her haste, she knocked over a cup filled with writing utensils. She picked up a ballpoint pen. The girl unscrewed the body of the pen so only the ink cylinder and tip remained.

Temari inserted the ink cylinder into the small hole. Just as she'd hoped, it lifted up the fake bottom. The larger tip of the pen stabilized the much longer cylinder and allowed the pen to stand on its own in the hole. Temari removed the fake bottom and took a look at what was inside the rest of the drawer.

Metal ran all along the edges of the box, wires connected to that metal, making it an electricity circuit. There was some sort of liquid in a small bag that had wire leading into it. Temari opened the bag a small bit and sniffed. It was gasoline. If electricity was fed into this gasoline the whole desk would burst into flames.

"It's time for dinner." Light opened the door and stepped into the room, "Tema? What are you looking at?" He knelt down and looked at the drawer, "I see that you've discovered my secret hiding place. Jeez, I haven't thought about that in a long time."

"What did you hide in here?" Temari asked him, "I mean, it must have been pretty important to have this level of security around it."

Light laughed, "Okay, I'll tell you a secret. This is where I hid my dirty magazines."

Temari raised an unsurprised eyebrow. Are all boys like this?

"I was really concerned about my family finding out." Light explained, "Japan's top student can't be found looking at porn, right?" He took the fake bottom and put it carefully so that the rubber stopper prevented the two pieces of metal from meeting, "Let's go downstairs. Mom made curry and I'm sure you're hungry."

Temari nodded and followed Light down to the kitchen. She took a deep breath. This would begin her new life.


definitely a filler.  sorry guys, but i really wanted to put this in

QOTD: ever been cosplaying? 

i went once as sasuke uchiha and my little sister was sakura haruno

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