ゲーム - Game

338 14 33

At exactly 21:00 Temari was waiting outside the doorway to the main investigation room, rocking back and forth on her heels. Earlier she had read Saya a bedtime story. Her little sister always praised her for her reading skills. Saya always said that she wanted to be as smart as her older sister when she grew up. Temari didn't know if she really was as intelligent as everyone said she was, but she did know one thing: She has never lost a game of shogi

"Come in Temari, it's okay." Ryuzaki beckoned her from inside the room, "I have snacks for us."

The girl shyly stepped inside. Ryuzaki was crouching in his chair just like before but instead of cookies, a mountain of Pocky was set out in front of him.

Ryuzaki carefully examined the array of flavors set out before him and then picked up a strawberry stick and bit off the end, "Have a seat. Do you like Pocky?" Temari nodded. "Help yourself. I already set up the game board."

Temari cautiously sat on the chair across from the odd crouching man. He was nibbling on his nails and seemed to be thinking intensely.

"Do you want to go first or should I?" Temari asked him.

Ryuzaki shook his head, "You go first."


Temari moved one of her pawns forward one space. Her strategy was to do a series of simple moves and then strike. Ryuzaki moved his bishop so it was immediately challenging Temari's pawn.

"You don't waste time getting started." She remarked and moved another pawn.

"You seem like the quiet type." Ryuzaki answered, "You talent lies within your strategy. Attacking immediately muddles up your plan, doesn't it?"

Temari didn't answer him. She knew and he knew he was right. Ryuzaki had a self-indulgent smirk on his face, almost like he was filled with a sort of childish pride.

"So Temari, am I right to assume that you and Sayako are not full siblings?" The unruly haired man moved another piece, "You certainly look a lot more American than she does."

"You are correct. Saya is three quarters Japanese, while I only have one quarter. My mother was all American and my father was half Japanese. We share the same father."

"Can you remind me again who Saya's parents were?"

"Raye Penber and Naomi Misora."

Ryuzaki nodded, "Naomi Misora. I worked with her on a few cases in the United States. Raye was one of the FBI agents killed while investigating in Japan, am I correct?"


"What's wrong, Temari? Shouldn't you be more upset over their deaths? They weren't all that long ago."

Temari tightened her hands into fists, "I know that, Ryuzaki. My father, biological mother, and would-be stepmother all mean nothing to me. They stuck me with nannies and other babysitters since the moment I was born. They never cared. The only useful thing they did was send me to a Japanese cram school."

She picked up her silver knight and placed it on top of Ryuzaki's pawn, claiming it as her own piece now. "I hope that answers your question."

"Not quite." Ryuzaki chewed on his already pint sized thumbnail and captured a silver knight from Temari, "Why do you keep taking all the pawns? They can only move one space forward per turn. Other pieces are much more effective."

"The pawns are the most that we have. So if I get all of yours and keep mine safe I'll have an entire army. And when I have an army I can do this."

Temari captured the last pawn, her blue eyes sparkling. The next move would be to take Ryuzaki's king. After that she would have won the game.

"Oh dear." Ryuzaki looked up at Temari, but his tone wasn't a sincere one. It almost seemed mocking her. "I'm afraid I won this game."

Temari looked down in disbelief. Her king was wide open. In her haste to beat Ryuzaki and collect all his pawns her own king was wide open. In one fatal swoop Ryuzaki placed his piece on top of the king and the game was over.

"Better luck next time. However, that is the closest anyone has ever gotten to beating me at shogi." He said, "And I want you to be the new snack runner for the task force. Be here at 7 tomorrow morning."

"Wait a minute." Temari stood up, "I thought the deal was if I won I could join. I lost."

Ryuzaki put down his Pocky, "Deal? There was no deal. I just simply invited you for a game of shogi."

"Why couldn't you have told me that in the first place? It would have taken a lot of the pressure off." Temari crossed her arms over her chest. This guy is unbelievable. He almost reminded her of Saya with his immature actions and choice of wording.

"Because I am childish." Ryuzaki simply answered, "And I hate losing. I knew you were going to try an army attack plan from the beginning, so I let you. I wanted to see how quickly you could gather my pieces. But as it turns out, you were actually pretty good so I had to quickly pick up my pace at the end. Actually the fact that you had decided to move the piece at the end was pure luck. I don't think I could have won otherwise. I'll have to teach you chess. It would be nice to play against someone who has more than a 3 percent chance of beating me."

Temari took a deep breath, "And all that stuff about my parents? Why did you want to know?"

He shrugged, "I was just curious. It was also important for me to know if you wanted to catch Kira out of vengeance or the justice of the law. Now I can clearly see that it's the latter. Thank you for playing with me, Temari. We should do it again sometime."

"Yeah, sure." Temari said, still a bit dazed, "Uh, I should be going to bed. Goodnight Ryuzaki."

"Goodnight Temari. May your sleep be a restful one." Ryuzaki called as Temari shut the door behind her.


*a note* im making raye and naomi be 10 years older, which would make them about 38 at the time of their death

also please do not ship any form of pedophilia on any of my fics.  pedophillic ships are creepy and just plain wrong.  i do have a few romantic subplots and it does not include temari x any of the task force members.

also dont forget to leave a vote!!!  it literally takes 2 seconds and it makes me so so happy

QOTD: Do any of you watch naruto?  And if you do, who are some of your favorite characters?  Mine are gaara, shikamaru, and lady tsunade.

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