フェイクアウト - Fakeout

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"Mr. Yagami, how are you doing?" Ryuzaki questioned the exhausted looking man, "There's no reason for you to keep doing this to yourself."

The older man didn't move from bedraggled position on the bed, "It's been over a month since Kira started killing again, and as far as I'm concerned that's all the proof I need to be convinced that my son isn't Kira."

Temari remembered the day that they had gotten the news. Matsuda had run into the room, he told everyone as loud as he could. They'd all been so excited. Criminals were dying, Light and Misa were innocent. All of this suffering could stop.

But Ryuzaki wasn't as easily convinced. He told Chief Yagami that Kira was killing, but not Light. It's now been fifty days and the murders have resumed at their normal rate. Light's guiltlessness was there as clear as it could be.

Ryuzaki thought for a minute, licking the remainder of his ice cream. He pushed the intercom button to Chief Yagami's cell, "Mr. Yagami? Can you please come to headquarters? There is something I need to discuss with you and it has to be in person."

"All this time I've never pictured you as an old man, Mr. Stalker." Misa said with uncanny exuberance and leaned forward in her seat.

"I am not your stalker." The chief told her for what had to be the fifth time, "I am a police detective with the NPA. You were taken into confinement on suspicion of being the second Kira."

"I remember that!" Misa exclaimed, "You guys blindfolded and handcuffed me before you knocked me out." She paused for a minute, "No, you're a stalker. There's no way the police would have tied me up all fetishy like that."

"Please stop talking."

The car arrived in what seemed to be a tunnel. Two people were waiting against a concrete wall. Misa squirmed and squealed excitedly as soon as she recognized the young man with brown hair.

"Light!" She yelled and ran out to greet him, "I missed you so much!"

"Dad? What's all this about?" Light said, completely oblivious to the blonde girl's affection.

Chief Yagami simply thanked Aizawa for driving Light and told both of them to get in the car. They obeyed.

Light breathed a sigh of relief, "I thought I was never going to get out of there. But it feels good to finally be cleared."

"No." The chief said slowly, "I'm afraid you two are being taken to your execution site."

With their faces now drained of any remaining color, the two teenagers tried to wrap their brains around what he had just said. Execution site? They were going to die for a crime that neither of them remembered committing?

"L is convinced that Light is Kira and Misa Amane is the second Kira." He continued, "He is convinced that the only way the murders would stop is if you two were executed."

"I don't understand! The killings have already stopped!" Light burst out.

The older man shook his head, "No, they never stopped."

"Th-That's not what he told me." The younger boy stuttered, "So he was lying?"

"He was trying to get a confession out of you, Light. L's decision is absolute. He has solved the world's most difficult cases and has never been wrong."

Light narrowed his eyes in disgust, "You trust L more than you trust your own son?"

The car lurched sharply off the road and bumped down a rocky gorge. The back passengers grunted and bounced in the uncomfortableness. Finally, the vehicle came to a halt. Light looked out the window. They were under a bridge in what looked like the middle of nowhere. There was no way that this could be the execution site.

"I bet he brought us all the way out here to let us go!" Misa cheerfully said, not that her optimism was any help in the current situation.

"This will do. No one will be around to see us." Chief Yagami turned around in his seat, "I am going to kill you two and then kill myself."

Light and Misa struggled against their handcuffs and restraining belts. "You can't do this!" Light begged, "Dad this is crazy!"

"What kind of father would give kill their only son for L?" Tears streamed down Misa's face, "If you want to die so badly then just kill yourself! If you do this you are no different than Kira!"

The man's expression had changed from the calm man they knew to a demonlike persona. He wasn't fooling around. He really was going to kill them.

"I am nothing like Kira. I am bound by my responsibilities as a parent and chief of the NPA." He pulled a pistol out of his jacket pocket, "It's too late. You will be executed." Light's eyes grew wide as his father pressed the gun against his temple, "Light, my son, from one murder into another, I'll see you in hell!"


After the gunshot the car fell silent. A gentle trace of smoke filled the air, all three humans still alive and intact. Light could barely breathe. He is still alive. His father didn't actually shoot him.

"Y-You used a blank?"

Chief Yagami slumped over and took a deep breath, "Thank goodness." He mumbled, "Were you watching, Ryuzaki? I did exactly as you said and I am still alive."

"It was a convincing performance." Ryuzaki's voice filled the car, "If Amane were the second Kira, who only needs a person's face to kill them, there is no doubt she would have killed you before you had a chance to fire your weapon. Also if Light was the true Kira he wouldn't hesitate to kill even his own father to save himself. As we discussed, Light and Misa will be released from confinement."

Temari couldn't help collapsing into tears once again. She knew that she wasn't acting as professional as a good cop should be. The other task force members, mostly Aizawa, were probably judging her but she didn't care. Light's life was almost stolen in front of her eyes. That was a bit too much for her 12 year old heart to handle.

"Mr. Yagami, please be sure to drive back here quickly." Ryuzaki said and looked over at Temari crying quietly in the corner, "There's someone who has missed Light very much." He motioned for her to come closer to the microphone, "Temari, would you like to say a few words?"

The girl nodded and went up to the small table, "Light, you better come back really fast. I don't care how bad you smell."


QOTD: what's a kind of obscure/semi-unknown anime that you've watched?

i really liked ghost hunt, orange was good too

hey friends im sorry that i haven't updated this week, i've been super busy!  so as compensation i'll give you two chapters today :)

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