広報担当者 - Spokesperson

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"Extra! Extra!" Matsuda announced and barged into the investigation room holding several newspapers and a styrofoam cup, "There's a new development in the Kira case! He's chosen a new spokesperson. Take a look." He turned on the TV and flipped through the channels until he got to the one he wanted.

"Good evening. This is Kiyomi Takada from NHN News Channel Six."

Temari bit her lip and studied the woman closely. She certainly seemed much more even tempered and mannerly than Demegawa. Kira must have decided that he should go with a more formal representative. Her short straight black hair complemented the light blue eyes that shone upon her face. The girl looked over at Light. He seemed a little surprised.

Matsuda whistled, "Kira's got good taste. Takki is so pretty."

"Everyone, I've got an idea." Light stood up, "I think we should make use of Kiyomi Takada. To be honest, I know her. Back in university we actually dated for a little while."

Temari nodded. No wonder Light was surprised when Matsuda first turned on the news. She looked back at the screen. Kiyomi did look like the kind of girl that he would date. Intelligent, aesthetically appealing, slightly reserved, and most importantly, completely unlike Misa. All were qualities that Light would definitely look for in a woman.

"If she's working as Kira's spokesperson, she must be receiving orders from him." Light continued, "If she's in contact with him, our best bet would be to use that connection to get to Kira through her."

Matsuda piped up, "But Takki is probably doing it because Kira is threatening her. She might be too scared to help us out."

"No, I don't think that's it." Temari shook her head and picked up one of the newspapers Matsuda had strewn on the table, "It says right here in this article that Kiyomi supports Kira. Anyway, I have an idea."

The brown haired man nodded, "Go on."

"Light can take Saya and I to the news station. If he dated Kiyomi at some point and they're on good terms now, he could ask her to show us around or something like that." Temari continued, "She'll probably be willing to do that as long as we have Saya with us. We all know that it's next to impossible to say no to her."

"That's true." Matsuda agreed, "Even I can't resist her."

Ide shook his head, "That's not an achievement, Matsuda. You're the biggest pushover I know."

"It's a good idea though." Light said and placed his fingers to his chin, "I'll just tell Takada that Temari and Saya are the daughters of a coworker and that they have a strong interest in Kira. Having the kids look around will help us start conversation and such."


"Are we there yet?" Saya asked and swung her feet enthusiastically, the heels of her shoes hitting the wall behind her seat on the train.

Light smiled and ruffled the little girl's hair with his free hand, the other holding on to a stability ring suspended from the vehicle's ceiling, "Not yet. You're going to have to wait a few more minutes." He bent down and whispered in her ear, "Do you want me to tell you a secret?"

"Uh-huh!" Saya eagerly nodded.

"Takada used to be my girlfriend."

Saya's eyes went wide, "Whoa! That's awesome! Why did you guys break up? Are you going to get back together?" Her legs swung faster with excitement, accidentally striking the formal looking businessman beside her.

"I'm so sorry, sir." Temari apologized to the now annoyed man, "Saya, what have a told you about swinging your legs? You always end up hitting people."

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