Bukan update

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Hye there! Sorry for being silent after a few weeks.

Cuma nak bagitahu yang I sekarang ni tengah re-edit from the first chapter until chapter yang ke 60. Thats why korang semua tak dapat nak read previous chapter. The reason I re edit is because I found so many error and mistakes. Nama character pun ada yang salah if you guys notice and follow this story from the beginning laa. Ops!So sorry ye sebab I tak alert. But this is not a major punya editing. Sebab tu I perlukan korang punya comment in every chapter so that I can improve my story line and writing skill.

Please please. I know there are so many silent readers out there and I believe you guys have read this. So I just wanna say HI.. And please say hi to me back at the comment box below sebagai tanda yang you all support this story. Barulah idea tu datang mencurah-curah untuk siapkan buku ni. Hihi.

Apa pun korang best sangat. Thank you sebab sudi baca😊. Harap sabar untuk next update okay?


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