Rihanna? Really?

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Edited 07/11/19

Third Person
"Did you think that I wouldn't find out?" y/n's hands were flying through the air. Her head pounded from trying to choke down sobs. "I trusted you."

"Well then you can't exactly blame me, can you? It was your mistake," Carl spits. He looks up at y/n from his seat on the bed with a blank stare.

"What has gotten into you? This is not the same Carl I fell in love with."

"I've always been and always will be Carl. It's not like I got possessed and became a different person. People change."

y/n's chest began to ache as her vision blurred with tears. Her voice strained to speak, and her words came out a whisper. "Carl, I loved you."

She counted her steps, counted the stairs she stepped down, counted anything she could to keep her mind away from the tears falling from her eyes. She walked down the gravel road to the fence and grabbed a pole.

As she thrusted the pole through the fence into a walker's skull, the heavy sobs she'd kept down bursted out. Through her blurred vision, she watched blood ooze out of the walker's wound, trickling down onto its cheek.

She pulled the pole back out of the dead flesh, only to let another sob rack through her chest as she fell toward the fence with the pole.

Michonne wraps her arms around y/n's torso, pulling her body away from the fence. She wraps her arms around the crying girl, running her hand over her hair as she cried into her neck. "Let it all out."

And she did. She cried for Carl, their relationship. She cried for her mom, her brother, and her dog. She cried for the crumbling world around her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Michonne reluctantly let her go as she pulled away.

y/n wiped her eyes with the back of her hands, then her hands onto her clothes. "It's Carl."

"Tell me he didn't-"

"He cheated on me with that Beth girl- again." They walk toward the metal bench out in the field. "She's like... eight years older than us. She even had a fling with Daryl."

Michonne sat first, watching her.

"The first time I was calm about it. I asked him about her, and he lied to me! We worked it out, and I eventually ended up prying the truth from him. But then, three weeks later, not only does he do it again, but it turns out he's been screwing her for the whole three weeks! Now probably got her whore diseases. Want to know the worst part? He didn't even try to lie to me about it! He had this attitude-"

"The one where he acts like he doesn't care about anything?"


"He's just like his father," Michonne sighs. "You know what?"

y/n stayed silent, turning to face her.

"We should have a girls day, just you and me. We'll do girly stuff like paint our nails. I'll ask Rick about it and try to get it worked out. For now, just get back to work." Michonne stands, waiting for y/n to do the same.

They share a prolonged hug, then separate to start their walks back to their jobs.

"So let me get it straight, you told y/n about us?" y/n keeps her head down as she walks down to the garden, ignoring the way Carl and Beth freeze when she passes.

When she reaches the garden, she dabs a small puddle of hand sanitizer onto her hands. She grabs the basket from beside the chicken coop and searches for the ripe vegetables. She starts to sing to herself as she works.

"You look so dumb right now, standing outside my house." She moves from the tomatoes to the green beans. "Trying to apologize, you're so ugly when you cry." She's out of tune and out of tears as she picks up the basket. "Please, just cut it out."

"So, I guess Carl and I's relationship is really getting to you, isn't it?" Beth leans against the little wooden fence Rick built. "I mean, Rihanna? Really?"

"At first it did." y/n stands, wrapping her arms around the basket. "But now that I think about it, I'm glad it was you. You didn't have anything else going for you... beside your receding hairline, that is."

"Well I bet you didn't know that he told me he loved me last week, right before you guys had sex in the watch tower." She starts to trail y/n as she walks back to the prison. "I bet he was imagining me the whole time. Because he loves me!"

"Yeah," y/n chuckles, "we'll see how long that lasts."

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