Imagine 20

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Carl's P.O.V.
The girl steps back, a hand covering her mouth to stifle sobs. The bloody knife falls from her hand and clatters as it hits the tile floor. She looks about my age, maybe a year or two younger. That was probably her first non-walker kill.

"Hey," I step out from behind the bookshelf, causing the girl to jump. She scrambles to pick up the knife she just dropped.

"Don't worry, I'm not here to hurt you. I just- You look like you could use some company," I say, putting my hands in the air. She glares at me for a moment before dropping her hands back down to her side.

"I'm Carl," I say, putting my hands down. I start to walk towards her, but she backs away.

"I'm (Y/N)," She says, looking at me from head to toe.

"Hot damn!" I exclaim loudly, causing her to jump.

"You're checking me out!" I grin, putting my hands on my hips. "Like what you see?"

"Actually, do you care if I take a photograph? I've heard they last longer," She smiles back, pulling out a polaroid camera.

"It was my mother's. Plus, you don't have to charge it," she says, putting it back in her bag. Maybe she's out of film? Maybe she carries it because it was her mom's? I don't know.

She turns to walk away, so I hurry to catch up with her. She tries to move away, but I wrap my arm around her neck.

"Get off!" She yells, pushing me away. I step back, putting up my hands. My eyes and mouth widen with shock.

"Carl, we just met. That might've worked before the apocalypse, but now everyone has to watch out for themselves. Especially with a stranger. Who knows what your intentions are," She says, stopping at one of the shelves.

"So, was that your first kill?" I ask, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah. He probably would've killed me if I weren't in a bookstore. If you treat books with kindness and respect, they'll return the favor," she says, picking up a book and opening it to the first page.

"Um, what the fuck?" I laugh, watching her smile. She shrugs before going back to reading.

"So, you're a nerd?" I ask, leaning against a shelf.

"So, you're a douche?" She asks, not looking up.

"I most certainly am-"

"What are your plans here, Carl? I have to get going, and you probably have a group to get back to," she asks, setting the book down.

"Actually, you're wrong. The place we were staying at was overrun, and almost everyone in the group died. There were a couple of others, but I wasn't close with them. I went my own way," I shrug.

"I don't know what my plans are. Follow you around until I grow on you?" I smile, but she frowns.

"So you're saying you want to follow a stranger, hoping you'll grow on her? You're lame, Manning."


"You never told me your last name, so I just said the first last name that popped into my head," She says, starting to walk.

"It's Grimes," I say, walking to the comic section. I pull one out from the shelf while (Y/N) sits down at my feet.


Her camera goes off, and I glare down at her.

So it does work!

"Sorry, but I can't let a good candid picture slip by without me getting it. Plus, I never got my photo from earlier," (Y/N) smiles, taking another one.

What even was this? lol

Anyways, how have you guys been?

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