Imagine 13.5

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
After Carl and I dry off, we decided to snuggle up on the couch. I know we're supposed to be looking for Maggie and Sasha, but how often do you get to sit on a clean couch?

"You know, I've been thinking," Carl says, and I pull away from him to meet his eyes.

"Yeah, what about?"

"I- I love you, (Y/N). I know we've only known each other for a year, but (Y/N), when I'm with you, it's like the apocalypse never happened. It's like I'm always at home when I'm with you, probably because you're my home," he says, looking down at our intertwined hands.


"I knew it was too soon. I'm just-"

"Carl, I feel the same way. I love you too," I say, wrapping myself around him and squeezing as hard as humanly possible. We just stay like that.

"I can't stop thinking about Josh and Hailee," I say, looking up at the ceiling as he plays with my hair.

"Same here," he says, but then goes quiet.

"You know I'd take a bullet for you any day, right, (Y/N)?" Carl asks.

"Carl, that's what everyone says. I'll see it when I believe it, and I hope I never have to see it," I say, closing my eyes. That's my biggest fear. I can't lose him.

"I'd better get going. It's almost sunset," I say, looking out of the window to our right.

After losing our way a couple of times, Carl and I finally find the governor's office.

"I'll be right out here. If you need anything, just yell. I'll be in there in a heartbeat," he says, giving me a quick hug. I kiss him on the cheek, and then he goes to hide behind the corner. I knock at the large wooden door, and it swings open.

"(Y/N), hello!" The governor says, putting his hand on the small of my back and pulling me in to his office. He shuts the door behind us.

"So this is where the magic happens?" I ask, looking at the blueprints sprawled out on the desk.

"Ah, yes. That's the blueprint for expanding our infirmary. The building is getting too small and we have some extra scrap metal, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to update it," he says, walking up close behind me.

"I really like your earrings, (Y/N). They compliment you well," he whispers, causing me to get chills.

"I- uh, thanks."

"So you must be wondering what I wanted to talk to you about," he says, running his hands over my arms.

"You had me fooled, but your boyfriend isn't a very good actor," he says, his voice getting louder. He pulls away quickly, sitting down a gun on the nearby table.

"I know you guys are with Rick, and he's sent you here to spy on us. You have one of two options," he says, leaning on his desk.

"You can come back to my place and tell me everything you know about Rick's plan to kill me, or I can kill your boyfriend," he says, walking back towards me. He grabs my chin, tilting my head back to meet his eyes.

"Your choice, princess."

He tilts my head to the side and slowly starts to leave kisses down my neck. I try to squirm away from him, but his grasp is too strong.

"Help!" I try to yell, but it comes out as a whisper. The governor grabs my arm, pulling me into a backroom. He opens the door to reveal fish tanks with heads in them.

"You see this space right here? That's for your boyfriend. The one next to it is for his dad."

"Carl!" I yell, and Carl comes barging in, the gun the governor laid down in his hand.

"Move and I shoot you," the governor warns, releasing his grip on me to aim his gun. Two shots go off at once, and both boys are in a heap on the floor. I run over to Carl, putting his head in my lap. I look down to see blood soaking his clothes around his abdomen.

"Oh Carl, Baby," I whimper, stroking his hair.

"I told you I'd take a bullet for you," he says slowly, taking shallow breaths in between each word.

"Carl, goddammit," I laugh, putting my head against his chest.

"I love you Carl. So, so much," I say, sobbing.

"(Y/N), my back pocket."

I reach into his pocket and pull out a small blue velvet box. I pop it open to see a ring with three diamonds.

"One for each time you left me breathless," he says, his eyes drooping.

"Carl, goddammit!" I cry, gripping the ring. He pulls open my fist, grabs the ring, and slowly slides it on my finger.

"Do you remember that one song by nsync we used to sing together?" He asks, his eyes closing, and then opening again.

"This I Promise You?" I ask.

"Yeah. Remember me like that, (Y/N). Don't remember this. Remember when we first met? We got stuck in the watchtower in the middle of winter, so we snuggled to keep ourselves warm, and then we ended up falling asleep."

"Yeah," I laugh, "Glenn found us and then gave me a box of condoms."

"Do you remember how awkward it was when he asked for one back a week later, but we had already ran out?" Carl laughs, and then winces.

"Or do you remember a couple of months ago for my birthday when you cuffed us together with your dad's handcuffs and then lost the key?" I laugh, and he smiles slowly.

"Do you remember what he said?" I ask, closing my eyes to remember the moment.

"Carl?" I ask, waiting for a reply. I wait for him to tell me the answer with a laugh, but deep down, I know he isn't going to reply. I keep waiting to see his face light up with a smile, but instead, all I see is a pale, blank face. My sweet, sweet boy is gone. I'll never get to see his signature smirk, hear his voice, or get to snuggle with him again. He's gone, it's all over.

asdfghjkl I'm not a big fan of what i just wrote, but I feel like it's a good imagine to start back with.

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