Imagine 13

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"So, are you as nervous as I am?" I ask Carl, and he stops dead in his tracks.

"C'mere," he says, pulling me in for a hug. I sigh, and he rests his chin on the top of my head.

"There's no need to be nervous. Dad wouldn't let us come along if there was real danger. I think he just wants us there for experience," Carl says, and I kiss him on the cheek.

I know everyone says this no matter who they're with, but Carl really is the best boyfriend a girl could ever ask for. He always knows what to say and what to do when I need it.

"Are you two lovebirds ready?" Daryl asks, shutting the trunk of the car.

"Yep, we're all good," I say, walking to the car. Carl and I get in the back, Daryl and Glenn in the middle, and Rick and Michonne up front.

Michonne puts a CD in the player as we pull off.

I'm not really sure what to think about Rick and Michonne becoming an item. I mean yes, I love them both dearly, but I feel like because they're both so opinionated that the relationship just won't work.

"(Y/N), have you ever listened to the Arctic Monkeys?" Glenn asks, and I shake my head.

People at my school used to talk a lot about the band, but I never really listened to them. I guess I marched to the beat of my own drum.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Carl resting his hand on my thigh. I look over at him to see him looking out of the window, his signature smirk plastered on his face. I shake my head with a smile on my face and look out of my window. He gradually moves his hand higher, and because of reflexes, I accidentally squeeze his hand between my legs.

This boy really knows how to drive me bonkers.

"So what's the game plan, Rick?" Daryl asks as the car stops.

"Well, because the people of Woodbury don't know (Y/N) and Carl, they're going to claim they're on the road and looking for a place to stay, go inside, and snoop the place out. They're going to try and find where they put Maggie and Sasha, and then report it back to us through this walkie-talkie. When they say so, we're going to go in, let off smoke bombs, and get Maggie and Sasha," Rick explains, and Carl pulls his hand away from me.

"Dad, this wasn't part of the plan! There's no way I'm letting (Y/N) go in there!" Carl says, almost yelling.

"Carl, I'm sorry, but last time I checked you aren't the boss of me. I will do whatever it takes to get Sasha and my sister back," I say, climbing out of the car. Carl mumbles, following behind me.

After walking towards Woodbury for a while, I reach down, grab a fistful of dirt, and then wipe it all over Carl's head.

"(Y/N), what the hell?" He asks, spinning around.

"If we don't have a place to go, then we have nowhere to stay clean," I say, watching Carl shake the dirt off of his head.

"Yeah, you're right," he says, grabbing a fistful of dirt. At first I thought he was going to put it on himself, but then dumps it down my shirt.

"It's on!" I yell, and we both rush to grab dirt and sling it on each other.

About ten minutes later, we both step back and look at how ridiculously dirty we are. With a laugh, we continue our walk to Woodbury.

"Hey! Put your hands in the air!" The guy at the top of a tall metal wall yells. We put our hands up and the wall opens, then three heavy men come out and pat us down.

It's a good thing we hid the walkie-talkie in the woods.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" A woman asks. Carl and I exchange a quick glance, and then I speak.

"We're looking for a place to stay. Our camp was overrun," I say, trying to get my eyes to water.

"Oh, I- Yeah, we can find you a place to stay," the woman says, turning to another one of the guards. They radio someone, and a couple of minutes later a guy with an eyepatch struts out.
I turn to Carl, and his face has gone stone cold.

That must be the governor.

"Hello, and welcome to Woodbury," he says, throwing up his hands and spinning around to admire the town.

"I can give you a tour if you'd like," he says, turning back to us. Carl is about to speak, but I cut him off.

"Yes, we'd love that," I smile, turning to Carl. He gives the most ridiculous smile, and then we walk behind the governor and listen to him ramble about how the town was built.

"Here is your place. You'll be sharing a house with three others," he says, putting his hands on his hips.

"I'm really sorry to ask you this, sir, but is there any way we could get our own place?" I ask, giving my best smile.

"Well, I guess I could spare you two an apartment, sweetheart," The Governor says before turning around. I look over at Carl to see his reaction.

Man, if looks could kill.

The governor stops at room 202, unlocks the lock, and flings the door open.

"There you go," the governor says, and Carl walks in the room. I start to walk in too, but the governor grabs me by the arm to hold me back.

"Clean off, then I'd like to see you in my office at sunset," he says, and then walks off. I walk in the room, shaking my head. Carl greets me with a red face.

"I'm gonna be the one to kill that guy," Carl says, and then plops down on the couch.

"Carl! Don't get our furniture dirty! Does the water here work?" I ask, walking over to the nearby kitchen sink.

"Carl, the water works!" I say, smiling. He stands up, walking over to run his hand under the water.

"Why don't you come try out the shower with me?"

(Part 2 coming soon)
Guys, I'm back! It's been a while, but I'm finally back!

This chapter was boring, but hopefully part two will have a little more action.

If you're reading this, could you comment the word "pineapple?" I'd love to get to know who my readers are ❤️

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