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For BlackWolfFanfictions

Day 1268-Dear Diary,
My father is exasperating. Rick asked me to go on a run today! I was in the car ready to go when my father came out and-I kid you not when I say this-dragged me out of the car. The worst part was that dad made a scene in front of Carl and Rick. I've done nothing but try to impress them for the last month or so, and he comes along and ruins it. What is a run going to hurt, Diary? Am I not supposed to live a little?

Anywho, I got to keep watch with Maggie while they were gone. I love talking to Maggie because I feel like she's the only girl around here who can truly understand how I feel. Besides Beth, she's probably the girl who's closest to my age out of everyone at camp. Yet, not even she knows about Carl.

My father despises Rick with a burning passion, so I don't dare speak a word about my feelings to anyone. I really like Carl, but I will not ruin my relationship with my father over a boy. How childish would that be? On the contrary, how am I supposed to know he's not the love of my life? I know that sounds naive or whatever, but I can't help but to hope.

"What do you talk about when you write in there?" Carl's presence startles me, and I do nothing but watch as he walks over and sits beside of me. "You spend so much time cooped up in this little library, so I can't help but wonder."

"I guess I just try to write about my day. I want someone to find this diary so I can be put in a textbook someday," I smile down at my hands, watching them close my diary. "Realistically I know that'll never happen, but it's pretty cool to think about." I shift my gaze from my Diary to Carl, watching him smile.

"What're you doing in here anyways? I thought teenage boys were supposed to hate books?" I ask, watching him grin up at the ceiling.

"We do," he says, scratching his neck. He looks back over at me. "I came to check on you. Your dad seemed to be pretty harsh earlier, so I just wanted to make sure you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm good," I smile, unsure of what to say.

"Hey, can I ask you a question. I know it's a little. . . different, but can you answer it anyways?" He asks, and I nod. Is this it? Is he going to ask me out?

"What do you think about Natalie?" He asks, and I feel my heart sink into my stomach.

"Why?" I ask, praying for the opposite of the answer I'm about to get.

"I don't know. She's cool, we like some of the same things, so I figured I'd ask her out? What do you think?" He asks, his eyes glued on the floor.

"I mean, I think she's alright-" Carl cuts me off with laughter.

"(Y/N), you're so funny," Carl says, trying to catch his breath. He looks back up at me, his face bright red.

"I can't stand that bitch," He says, and I laugh with relief. Carl leans his head against the bookshelf, staring at me.

"What?" I grin, watching him chew on his lip.

"You're such an interesting person, (Y/N). Inside and out. This world needs more people like you," he says, smiling. I look down at my hands, my face hot. "I'd love to get to know you better."

"Uh, I- Okay."

(Y/N), step up your game.

"Well, I'm going to let you get back to that writing. I'll see you later?" Carl says, standing. I nod, smiling.

"Alright," He smiles back, turning to walk off.

Day 1269-Dear Diary,
Once again it is evening, so once again I am back at the library, cuddled up in my little corner. Today has been okay, but I feel as if I have a huge weight I need to get off my chest. What better place to tell something to, right?

Well Diary, I have concluded that no matter how large my feelings for Carl, I will never be able to act upon them. My father would rather get bit than have me date Carl. It makes me wonder what event happened that made Dad so resentful towards Rick. I mean, Rick seems to be over it. He's invited me to dinner at his home more than a dozen times, but I've had to decline each time. Honestly, there's nothing I want more than to be alone with Carl in his bedroom, but I know my fantasies will never be fulfilled.

Yesterday I told Carl that I'd like for my name to be in a textbook because of my diary. I don't know how it's going to help when all that's in it are pages of a hormonal teenager gushing over a guy.

I think that is all for today. I'll see you tomorrow.

Day 1270-Dear Diary,
I have decided not to care about what my father thinks about Rick anymore. Tomorrow is my sixteenth birthday, and I am tired of living by his rules. I need to be rebellious at least once in my life, right? Okay, truthfully, I am not as spontaneous as I may seem. The reason I have decided to rebel is because when I asked Dad about why he hated Rick so much he couldn't give me an answer. You can't hate someone without a reason, so I have concluded that Dad is hiding something from me. If he isn't willing to share, then why should I be willing to follow his every command?

"(Y/N)," Carl calls out in a singsong voice, walking up to me.

"I heard it's your birthday tomorrow," He sings out again, making me smile.

"How'd you know?" I ask, shutting my diary and placing it beside of me.

"A little birdy told me," He smiles, reaching out a hand to help me up.

I can't take it, my hand is sweaty!

I don't want to be rude, so I take it anyways.

"Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow night? I know you don't have plans, you're not that type." He steps closer, and my breathing quickens.

I'm not sure if that was meant to impress me or hurt my feelings, but I'll figure it out later.

"I'd love to," I smile, watching him grin.

"Sweet," He bites his lip, looking at me as if he's pondering something.

"Hey (Y/N)?"

"Yeah Carl?" I ask, watching as he gently takes a lock of my blonde hair between his calloused fingers.

"I just wanted to say that your hair looks really pretty today." He blushes, spinning on his heel and walking off.

Should part two be the dinner?
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