Imagine 29

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For Octavia_Sky

(Y/N)'S P.O.V.

I glance over at Carl, watching him smile at Enid. She places her hand on his forearm, looking up into his eyes. For a moment I though they were going to kiss, but Carl turns away quickly.

"She's got it coming, doesn't she?" Beth, one of my closer friends, asks.

"Oh, hell yes," I roll my eyes, going back to hanging up clothes on the wire. I grind my teeth, cursing her in my head.

Once I'm done with the clothes, I climb up the ladder to the watch post, standing next to Enid. It's a shame Carl left her alone up here.

"(Y/N), it's not your shift-"

I draw my fist back, swinging it forward with as much force I can give. Enid stumbles, shocked.

She swings back, punching me in the eye. I stand, blinking. After a few seconds of my vision not getting any less blurry, I jump on top of her.

"Stay away," I say through clenched teeth, giving her a punch to the mouth. "From Carl," Another punch. "Slut."

I don't quit until she's crying, begging for mercy. I stop, watching a stream of blood run from her nose and mouth. One of her eyes are already black, and I think she might have a missing tooth.

I stand up, grabbing her by her shirt to the edge of the watch post, dangling her over the growling walkers.

"You're lucky I don't just let you fall," I say, pushing her closer to the edge. She's nearly a foot away from the walkers, scared for her life. I pull her back up by her feet, scanning over her tear-filled eyes.

"If you lay even an eye on him, I will slit your throat. I will not hesitate, Bitch. Do you hear me?" I yell, watching her shake her head.

"Do you fucking hear me?" I yell louder.

"Yes!" She sobs, curling up in a ball. I stand up, wiping my bloody knuckles on my jeans.

"Good," I sigh, climbing back down the ladder. I figured she'd put up more of a fight than that.

I walk back home, receiving a few stares. When I get home, I hop in the freezing cold shower, water stinging my knuckles as I rinse my body off.

Hey, a cold shower is better than no shower. I'll consider myself lucky.

I wince when I run my hands over my face. I guess she hit me harder than I thought.

I hop out of the shower, drying off. I slide on my only other pair of jeans and a tee, setting my old clothes in a pile on the floor.

About ten minutes later, I hear a knock at my door.

"Hey, I figured we could hang out today. I have the rest of the day off- (Y/N), your eye!" Carl lets himself in, walking over to me. He lifts my chin, examining my face.

"Don't worry, you should've seen the other guy," I smile, and Carl takes a step back.

"Is that what happened to Enid?" He asks, his eyebrows raised. I continue to smile, watching his jaw drop.

"What'd she do?" He asks. I'm not going to lie, this pisses me off.

"I saw you two by the watchtower earlier. When you left, I went up there and beat the shit out of her."

"(Y/N), nothing happened! If you saw us, you should know that," Carl sighs, sitting down on the couch. He puts his head in his hands.

"Carl, bullshit. I saw the way she looked into your eyes. There was that glint. She gets it every time she speaks to you. The funny thing is that she doesn't have it when she speaks to anyone else. She likes you."

"You know what? Good. I finally found a girl that likes me that isn't fucking insane. (Y/N), you can't go beating up every girl that looks at me sideways. I can handle myself."

"How can you handle that? By sticking your dick down her throat? That's happened once, I'm not about to let it happen again." Carl winces at the mention of a rough spot in our relationship.

"Fine, (Y/N). You win. Don't expect to make friends with that attitude." Carl says, letting himself out. I stay seated on the couch, arms crossed. I lean back, letting out a long sigh before closing my eyes.

Three days later

I glare at Carl as he passes, and then stare straight ahead.

"(Y/N), stop," Carl says, snapping me out of my gaze. We've passed each other at least twenty times a day, giving each other the meanest stare each time.

"I can't do this anymore," He says, my back still to him.

"Okay (Y/N), maybe you were a little bit right. She was flirting, but did you see me act on it? No, because I love you. I know that no matter what I do, I'll always have you in my corner. Right now, that corner is filled with nothing but spiderwebs. I need you to get back there and scare the spiders off. You know they creep me out," He says, making me smile. I have always been the spider slayer in the relationship.

I turn around grinning. Carl runs up to me, embracing me in a bear hug. We sway from one foot to the other, enjoying each others warmth.

Hey guys, what's up?

No more updates until I get more requests.

Love you, see you in the next update.

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