Imagine 26.5

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Carl's P.O.V.
"Carl," (Y/N) whispers, shaking my shoulder. I groan into the pillow, rolling over to look up at her. Her tank top hangs low, hair in her face.

"I can't sleep," (Y/N) says, tucking a strand of hair behind her hair.

"So?" I ask, rolling back over. I hear (Y/N) start to walk off.

"C'mere," I sigh, scooting over to give her room. She curls up next to me, and I throw the blanket over her. I let my arm rest over her waist.

"Carl, can I ask you a question?" (Y/N) asks, rolling over to face me. I shrug, feeling my heart rate increase.

"I'm so mean to you, but you still let me come sleep in your bed when I have bad dreams. Why?" She asks, shifting her gaze from one of my eyes to the other.

"Why do you come to me instead of Jacob when you have bad dreams?" I ask back.

"Because you make me feel... safe. Now you," (Y/N) says, bringing the covers up to her chin.

"Because I have loved you since I was twelve, (Y/N). Your blind ass couldn't pick up on it though," I laugh, trying not to get myself upset. (Y/N) gives a halfhearted chuckle, closing her eyes.

"I'm terribly sorry. I didn't realize you felt that way." (Y/N) pauses, looking back at me. "If it makes you feel any better, Jacob says he's only dating me to make Maggie jealous," (Y/N) smiles.

"Maggie?" I ask, laughing. "Does he not realize she's happily married to his brother?" (Y/N) pauses for a moment before letting out a slight laugh.

"Well, since we're confessing everything, I used to have a crush on you." (Y/N) smiles.

"Used to?" I ask, my mouth dropping open. "What changed?"

"Me, Carl. I changed. I had the biggest crush on you, but then I built a wall around myself when my Mom died. I realized that love makes you stupid, and stupid gets you killed," (Y/N) says softly. I nod, smiling weakly. I roll over to where my back faces her, trying to stifle my tears.

This hurts much more than just thinking she was oblivious.

"Carl, we're under attack- (Y/N), what the hell?" Jacob asks, standing at the door of my cell. (Y/N) shoots up, hitting her head on the bottom of the upper bunk. She sits back down, rubbing her head.

"You're sleeping with Carl?" Jacob asks, resting his hand on his hip.

"In my dreams. And so what if she was? You're only using her to make Maggie jealous," I say, watching his jaw clench.

"Oh, is that what she told you?" Jacob asks, leaning against the doorframe. I look from him to (Y/N) in time to see her head fall.

"I tried to give (Y/N) a promise ring last night, but she laughed and threw it back in my face. I saw her sneak out the other night, so I read her diary to see where things went wrong. Do you know who she likes?" Jacob pauses, his gaze shifting to (Y/N). "Should I tell him, (Y/N)?" (Y/N) starts to beg for him to stay silent, but Jacob interrupts her.

"Glenn. She likes my fucking brother. That hurts like hell," Jacob says, and I start to regret being so mean to him. I mean, all the guy did was try to love her.

"Glenn?" I ask, looking at the back of (Y/N)'s head.

"Carl, please-" (Y/N) gets interrupted by gunshots.

"Oh, yeah. We're under attack," Jacob says, walking off.

(Y/N) and I both get up, and I grab two guns, three knives, and a box of ammo from under my bed. I hand a gun, two knives, and a handful of ammo to (Y/N) before she wonders off. I curse under my breath, load my gun, and head down the hall to fight.

I stop at the top of the stairs, watching (Y/N) shoot down two men. I start to head down the stairs, but the cool, metal barrel of a gun is pressed to my back.

"Move an inch, and you get shot," A man with a thick southern accent says. I look over at (Y/N) to see her looking at me, a gun pressed to her back.

"(Y/N)" I breathe, and the man holding (Y/N) smiles.

"Are you two lovers?" The man smiles. (Y/N)'s eyes widen when the barrel of the gun is pressed to her temple.

"BANG!" The man holding her yells, causing me to jump.

"What will it be, kid? You or the girl?" The man holding me whispers in my ear, sending chills up my spine.

"Me," I say. Not a moment later, a piercing pain shoots through my side, and I feel something break as I tumble down the stairs. I guess the man holding (Y/N) let her go, because she's at my side.

"Oh, Carl," She wimpers, biting her lip. She shakes as she goes to touch the bullet hole, but she quickly draws back.

"Love makes you stupid, and stupid gets you killed," I mock, watching her smile. I see the guys scurry off, but (Y/N)'s attention stays on me.

This is the last thing I want to see before I die. I just want to see her smile.

"If I knew this was how to get your attention, I would've tried dying a long time ago," I smile.

"I wish you would've. It would've saved me a lot of heartbreak," (Y/N) smiles weakly.

"Heartbreak?" I ask, laughing. She wouldn't know the first thing about heartbreak.

"This is almost going to kill me Carl," (Y/N) whispers, tears starting to roll down her cheeks. I reach up and wipe them away.

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger," I smile, causing her to roll her eyes.

"Hey (Y/N), why did the chicken cross the road?" I ask.

"To get to the other side," She smiles.

hehe, sorry this was quick. Part two was a last minute decision lol

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