Imagine 25 (Christmas Edition!)

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"So, what'd you ask for, (Y/N)?" Alana asks, helping me carry the large bucket of vegetables back to the prison.

"Candles," I smile, watching her shake her head.

"You know Rick isn't going to let you burn those in your cell, right?"

"I know. I'd still like to have them though."

"Why?" Alana grunts, setting down the bucket.

"My Mom used to work in a candle store. I guess it's more for the memories or something," I say, wiping my hands on my jeans. We start to walk inside, but we get stopped by Alana's brother, Carl.

"Hey, do you want to come and see the tree? I found some lights that are battery powered, so it's lit," he says, making finger guns.

"Ooh, a lit joke. Grow up," Alana rolls her eyes, smacking him on the side of the head. Carl rolls his eyes, walking off.

"I'm gonna go see the tree, wanna tag along?" Alana asks, but I decline.

"It's almost pitch black out here, though!" Alana frowns.

"You may be a productive person, Alana, but that doesn't mean I am. I've still got a couple more chores to do, and then I'll be right in," I say. She nods, walking inside.

"Carl! Wait up!" I call, running after him.

"So, you just couldn't resist this?" He asks, grinning. I roll my eyes, but I still smile.

"What'd you ask for?" I ask him, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Georgia gets pretty chilly in the winter.

"A girlfriend," Carl says, looking over at me with a smile.

"Well, you'll have to talk to your sister about that. She'd have a fit if she knew I liked you."

"So you do like me!" Carl yells, jumping up and down.

"I thought you knew that?"

"That's why I haven't asked you out yet! You're too damn mysterious!" Carl giggles through his words, nudging me with his shoulder. I smile, walking closer to him. He wraps an arm around me, pulling me in for warmth.

"(Y/N), you're shaking!" Carl says in awe. He stops for a moment to wrap his whole body around me. I nudge my face into the warm crook of his neck.

"Maybe what you should've asked for is a better jacket," Carl laughs into my hair, his warm breath tickling my ear.

"Do you want to go inside? You still haven't seen the tree," Carl asks, unwrapping me and grabbing me by the hand.

"Yeah, sure."

When we enter the cafeteria, Carl lets go of my hand. As much as I hate it, I know now isn't the time to tell Alana about my crush on her brother. Carl goes to sit down, and I go to look at the tree. Even though the rustic theme isn't my favorite, I've got to admit that it looks pretty good.

After a few seconds, I turn around to go and sit with Alana and a few others while we wait for Christmas dinner to be served. On my way to the table, I spot Carl being flirted with by Beth and a couple of other girls.

Carl notices me watching the girls playing with his hair and pulling at his clothing, and he shoots me a sympathetic glance. I roll my eyes and sit down.

Honestly, I'm kind of glad Carl hasn't asked me out yet. It gives him time to think about the girl he really wants. Will it be me, or will it be a girl that's almost twice his age?I need to give Carl a break on that, though. It's not his fault the girls are all over him.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Alana and a couple of other girls welcome me to the table. I smile and wave, but I can't help to look over at Carl. The spot in which he was sitting is empty, and all of the girls are gone too.

"Excuse me!" Carl yells over everyone from the front of the room. Conversations stop, waiting to hear what Carl has to say.

"I just wanted to let the girls-well, everyone really-know that I like (Y/N)."

Dumbass! Shut up!

Alana's eyes shift from her brother to me, and her mouth falls open. She starts to stand up to leave, but I grab her arm and yank her back down. I'm tired of her leaving without giving me a chance to explain. It happens every time.

Carl says something else that I ignore. I'll deal with him later. Right now my focus is on Alana. Once Carl goes to sit back down, I hold Alana by the wrist and lead her out of the cafeteria.

"What was that, (Y/N)?" Alana yells, throwing her hands up in the air.

"I don't know, why don't you ask your brother?" I yell back, poking her with my index finger.

"So you're telling me you didn't know he liked you?" Alana asks.

"Yes, but I didn't think he'd get up in front of everyone to announce it! I wanted to wait and see what you thought about it first!"

"About what?"

"About Carl and I dating! I like him, and he likes me. If you weren't so self centered, you'd have noticed it by now! Every time I'm not with you, you can bet I'm with him. I love spending time with him. No, he doesn't make my worries go away. Instead, he helps me figure out how to deal with them. He's...different, and that's why I like him," I say, crossing my arms. I regret saying a few things, but they need to be said.

Alana starts to laugh.

"Carl told me what he was going to do while you were looking at the tree." I let out a sigh of relief.

"He doesn't make my worries go away. Instead, he helps me figure out how to deal with them," Carl mocks, walking into the cell Alana and I are in. I turn to Alana, hiding my face from Carl.

"Merry Christmas, (Y/N)," I turn around to see Carl holding out a bracelet.

"I know you don't like necklaces, and I remembered you saying this was your favorite song. It applied to the occasion, so I figured why not?" Carl says, sliding the bracelet on my wrist.

"All I want for Christmas is you."

"You're such a dork," I smile, wrapping my arms around his neck. Carl kisses my cheek, wrapping his arms around my waist.

I'm such a loser lol. Why do I continue to write these?

Merry Christmas!

1. Did you get what you asked for?

2. Did/do you have any fun Christmas plans?

3. Do you read on a phone or a computer?

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