Imagine 6

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"So, are you ready for your first supply run?" Beth asks, smiling. She leans against the car, chewing on a granola bar.

"I feel like I'm gonna mess something up," I sigh, putting my head in my hands.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine. Rick wouldn't have picked you to go unless he thought you were ready. Besides, isn't your boyfriend going?" Beth asks, teasing me.

"Carl isn't my boyfriend," I say, rolling my eyes.

"Yet," Beth teases, walking away as Rick approaches.

"You ready, (Y/N)?" He asks, a smile on his face. I nod, taking one of the bags from his hands.

"You look like you could use a little help," I say, slinging the black duffel bag over my shoulder. He mumbles a thanks, opening the trunk of the car up.

"Has Daryl went over the rules of the run with you yet?" Rick asks, putting a bag of weapons in the trunk.

"Yeah," I sigh. "Multiple times."

Carl walks past me, brushing against my shoulder harshly while getting in the car. I roll my eyes, and then I sit down next to him in the backseat.

When the four of us are ready to go, Carol and Maggie open the gate for us. Rick drives past all of the walkers, and out of the second gate.

"Today we're gonna focus on finding food and water," Rick says, keeping his eyes on the road.

"Daryl and I will look for cases of water. You two need to look for cans of food," Rick says, pulling over at the nearby gas station. Daryl gets out and opens the trunk, handing Carl and I each a duffel bag.

"You bring your gun?" Carl asks, looking at the store. I sigh, annoyed by the attitude he has towards me.

"No, I just planned to shoot bullets out of my nostrils. I hope that's okay with everyone," I say loudly, waving my gun in the air for everyone to see.

Daryl chuckles, knocking on the glass doors of the store. A few walkers appear, startling me with their presence. Daryl begins to count as his hand grips the metal door handle

"One, two, three!" Rick yells, watching Daryl swing the door open.

I grab the knife out of the utility belt I got from Daryl a few months ago, stabbing the closest walker in the temple. I wipe the decaying flesh off of my knife onto the grass, trying not to get queasy.

I go up to the next one and stab it in the eye, watching blood ooze out of the socket. It takes a little more force to get the knife out of this one.

After everyone catches their breath, we inter the store. We head towards the canned food isle first.

Most of the food had already been wiped out, but there were a few cans of food left. I start putting cans in my bag while Carl keeps watch.

"They're over here," I hear an unfamiliar voice growl. Carl gets down on the ground, so I do the same.

"Get down on the ground!" Someone yells, and then a gunshot goes off. I jump, and Carl scoots next to me. He takes my hand in his, caressing it his thumb. He kisses my hand before letting it go, looking around the shelf at the men.

"That was a warning shot. Next time it'll be one of you two," a man says, the clink of metal on metal with every step he takes.

I peek around the shelf to see Daryl and Rick on the ground, staring up at the man as he rambles on about something.

Daryl's eyes shift over to me and then look over to the door. He does it a few more times before I get the hint. I turn back to Carl, gripping on to his forearm with my hand.

"I'm scared," I mouth, and Carl pulls me in for a quick hug. He slowly gets up, offering out his hand to help me up. As ready as we'll ever be, we take off running.

We throw open the glass doors, sprinting as fast as we can towards the woods. If we can make it through this clearing without being shot at, we're safe once we reach the woods.

Gunshots and screams come from behind us, but neither of us dare to look back. I don't know if it's because we're scared of what we might see, or if it's because we don't want to look death in the face.

"C'mon!" Carl yells, running deeper into the woods. I follow him, having no where else to go.

Once the noises stop, we take a moment to catch our breath. I look around, and there's nothing but trees surrounding us.

"Climb this tree," Carl says, pointing to the tree beside of us. I look up, eyes widening as I realize how tall it is.

"What? Why?"

"(Y/N), do you trust me?" Carl asks, scanning my eyes for an answer. My mouth falls open, not sure of what to say.

"Do you trust me?" Carl asks louder, his eyes frantic. He's about to ask again, but I nod.

"Good," He says, pointing to the herd of walkers in the distance.

"I can't climb," I sigh, looking down at my feet. I look back up at him, a smirk plastered on his face.

"You're adorable."

"Stop!" I smile, but our moment is cut short by the growl of a walker. Carl clasps his hands together, putting it out for me to step on. I use his hands as a stool, resting one of my hands on his shoulder for balance. By the time I manage to get up the tree, the walkers are almost surrounding Carl. I reach out my hand to try and pull him up, but his fingertips only brush mine before a walker's jaw clasps on to his calf.

Carl wails out in pain, falling back to the ground with a thud. A walker kneels beside of him, not hesitating to tear him apart like a full-course meal. The walker then looks up at me, a chunk of bloody flesh hanging between its decaying teeth.

I look to Carl, his leg twisted behind him in an odd position from the fall. Even if he could get the walker off of him, it'd be no use. There's a herd a couple yards away, and he's in no shape to run.

"I'm so sorry," I whisper, covering my eyes as other walkers begin to feast on him.

Edited! :)

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