Imagine 26

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Carl's P.O.V.
Today is my shift with (Y/N), and honestly, I'm really dreading it. She's perfect, don't get me wrong, it's just that the more time I spend with her, the more attached I get to her.

The problem with that? She'll never pick me over some of the other guys here at camp.
There's this one guy, Jacob, who's fit and smart, making him better than me.

I sigh, the dead grass crunching under my feet as I walk to the fence. To my surprise, (Y/N) isn't here yet. She's always early for her shifts.

"I've got it, Maggie." I say, grabbing the metal pole from Maggie's hands.

"I have break, so I can stay until (Y/N) gets here. Where is she, anyways?" Maggie asks, taking back the pole and shoving it into the walkers skull. This causes blood to ooze out of wound, the decayed body falling to the floor.

"I don't really-" I get cut off by a loud giggle. Maggie and I both look up by the prison door. Jacob has (Y/N) pushed up against the wall, arms above her head.

She says something, then tries to squirm away. Jacob laughs, kissing her and then letting her go.

I turn around, grab a pole, and I start stabbing walkers so I can get this shift over with as soon as possible.

"Carl," Maggie says, in almost a warning type of tone.

"What?" I spit, glaring up at her. Her eyes turn soft, and she starts to rub my back.

"I know you like her. I've been in the same situation. It sucks right now, but I can promise you that it gets better," She smiles, turning around and handing her pole to (Y/N).

"Thanks Maggie," (Y/N) smiles, taking the pole. (Y/N) walks over to me and starts to stab walkers.

"I can't believe Jacob," She giggles, putting the sharp, bloody part of her pole on the ground and leaning on the other end.

I can't either.

"Carl, what's wrong?" She asks, putting her hand where Maggie last had hers.

"Nothing!" I say, moving away from her hand. She furrows her eyebrows and stares at me until I'm uncomfortable.

"Do something. Quit being lazy." I spit, killing more walkers.

(Y/N) rolls her eyes, getting back to the walkers. I don't know why I'm mad at her, it's not like we're together or anything.

"It's Jacob, isn't it?" She asks with a sigh.

"Why would I have a problem with Jacob?" I ask, thrusting my pole in and out of walkers heads.

"Carl, I'm not stupid. I know you like me, but I just don't like you that way. The faster you get over that, the faster we can be friends again." (Y/N) puts her pole up, and then walks away.

"This is still our shift!" I call after her. She continues walking, but throws up a finger at me. I throw my pole against the fence, causing the whole thing to shake.

I sit down, wrapping my arms around my knees and resting my head on them. She's right, but what if I don't want to get over her?

do you guys want a part 2? If not, it's okay.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now