Imagine 39

2K 47 5

Carl's P.O.V.
"First, you and Beth will kill walkers at the gate, then you'll-"

I watch as (Y/N) walks by, her high ponytail swinging as she walks toward Carol with the laundry basket in her hands. She smiles, her bright, radiant smile making Carol smile also.

"What is wrong with you, Son?" Dad asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look back to him, still a little dazed.

"Did you take too much medicine this morning, Carl?" Beth teases, but I don't laugh. I give her a blank stare, watching her smile falter. I generally cannot stand Beth. I've found her annoying since the day we met.

"He's in love," Glenn says, his eyes wide. Beth chuckles, her face turning red. I make a face, looking from Glenn to Beth.

"With (Y/N)," He adds, and Beth stops laughing. I can feel myself start to sweat, and it's embarrassing. Beth storms off, and Glenn groans.

"I'm going to go make sure she's alright. I guess that was a little insensitive." Glenn walks off, leaving Dad and I in an awkward silence.

"Just-" Dad cuts himself off with a sigh. "Just don't do anything stupid, okay?" I nod, walking outside through the cafeteria doors. I sigh, starting the long walk to the fence.

"Hey Carl!" (Y/N) comes up beside me, her bright, white smile plastered on her face. I smile, watching her ramble on about something. I watch her wavy ponytail bobble as we walk on the gravel, her light brown hair complementing her brown eyes well. When the sunlight catches her eyes, they go from chocolate brown to golden rays.

"So, what are your thoughts on that?" (Y/N) asks, bumping into me every few steps.

"I- Yeah. I'm yeah." (Y/N) throws her head back laughing, exposing the soft skin on her neck. I chuckle along, oblivious to what's actually going on.

"I was confessing my love for you, Carl Grimes."


"No," (Y/N) laughs out, and I try my best to not physically facepalm. "You're cute, Grimes, but you're going to have to work for it."

I watch as she jogs ahead of me, and I have to run to catch up with her. When we reach the gate, we're both gasping for air. She laughs, but I just shake my head and smile. We stab walkers through the fence until our side is clear.

"Nice," I say, leaning on the clean side of the pole. I look over her shoulder, seeing that the gate is about to collapse.

"Shit!" I yell, running over to the gate. I grab a pole sitting nearby, trying to prop the fence up. It only makes things worse. The gate collapses, and (Y/N) lets out a scream from behind me. The gate to the other side of us is about to collapse also. When it does collapse, we're surrounded.

(Y/N) clings onto my shirt, and I hold her close while starting to shoot the ones closest to us. I let her go, pulling out the knife from its holster. I hand her the gun, and then I start to stab the walkers.

When I look back to make sure (Y/N) is alright, one has her by the arm. I can't run to her fast enough, but I can throw this knife and hit the walker if I'm lucky. If I miss, I take the chance of injuring (Y/N).

I decide to throw it, saying a little prayer as it flies through the air. It hits the walker, but it doesn't kill it. Thankfully, it's enough to distract it. (Y/N) manages to shoot it, and I watch its grip on her go slack. She gives me a small smile before turning around and shooting.

By now, there are people up in the watchtowers shooting at the walkers. Within minutes, the small herd is dead. As soon as all of the walkers are down on the ground, (Y/N) runs to me, leaping in my arms. She starts bawling, her small hands running through my hair.

"We almost died!" She moans through tears, pulling me tighter. I wrap my arms around her waist, planting a kiss on her forehead.

"You saved me," She says, pulling away just enough to make eye contact with me.

"Actually, you saved yourself," I smile down at her, causing her to laugh through her tears. She stands up on her tiptoes, pressing her lips to mine. They're soft and warm. After a second, I get a hint of the salt from her tears.

I open my eyes, and they meet her big, soft, brown eyes. She gives the slightest smile before taking a step back, where she looks down at her feet.

"You owe me ten bucks." I look over to Glenn, who's holding his hand out to Dad. I look back at (Y/N), who's covering her face. I walk over to her, slinging my arm over her shoulders. She leans her head into my chest, letting out a giggle.

Aw, I thought the ending was cute. I was kind of iffy about the beginning.

WE'RE ABOUT TO HIT 20k! Should I do something special for 20k? If so, what?

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