Imagine 52

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Carl's P.O.V.

The world was ending, and the only thing that mattered to me was keeping her safe.

I watch (Y/N)'s hair fall in her face as she sings with Judith, her smile beaming. Judith claps and jumps up and down, occasionally grasping onto (Y/N)'s hands for balance.

"How about you stop staring at your girlfriend and help get things ready for the run?" Daryl grunts, lifting a crate of weapons into the trunk of the car.

"She's not my girlfriend," I sigh, piling a few of the empty duffel bags beside the crates.

"What's stopping you, little man?"

"I don't think about her that way."

"I'm not your dad. You don't have to lie to me," Daryl says, walking away. I bite the inside of my cheek, leaning against the side of the car.

"Hey," (Y/N) smiles, standing beside me with Judith in her hands. "Judith wanted to come say hi before the run."

"Hey Judy!" I smile, taking her from (Y/N)'s arms. She pokes my nose, giggling.

"Did you teach her to boop?" I ask, looking to (Y/N). She shrugs, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. I shake my head, booping Judith right back.

"I love you, Bubby!" Judith grins, kissing my cheek. I smile, squeezing her into a hug. She fake coughs, claiming she can't breathe.

"Well, I've got to go help Carol with the laundry," (Y/N) smiles softly, wrapping her arms around Judith and I. "Be safe, okay?"

"Okay," I smile, watching her give a little wave before walking down the road. I turn back to Judith, who wants to climb around inside of the car.

"Okay, fine. You can't tell Dad though," I grin, swinging open the driver's door. She nods, her small hands wrapping around the steering wheel.

"Look Carl, I'm driving!" She giggles.

"That's awesome-"

I'm cut off by the sound of gunshots, and I quickly pull Judith to the ground. I clamp a hand over her mouth, glancing around the side of the car. I try to breathe, but my breath gets stuck in my throat at the size of the herd marching toward us. I pick Judith up, making a dash for the nearest house.

We get inside, and I quickly bolt the door shut. I slide the couch in front of the door, then close all the blinds. I take Judith upstairs into one of the bedrooms, locking the door behind us.

"I'm scared, Bubby," Judith whispers, her lip quivering. I pull her into me, stroking her hair.

"It's okay, Judy. You and I are going to be just fine," I breathe, peeking through the crack in the curtain. Walkers surround the house, their groans audible through the window. "We just need to stay quiet, and they'll go away."

"Okay," Judith nods, nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. I bounce her up and down in my arms, and I eventually feel the tension in her body leave.

"We're going to be just fine." I sit her down on the bed, pulling the covers up to her neck. I brush the hairs down on the side of her head, and she watches me with nervous eyes. "Take a nap. When you wake up, it'll all be over."

"I love you, Bubby."

"I love you too, Judy," I say, standing up. I sit down in the desk chair, looking around the room. I'm not sure who's house we're in, but I'm thankful it's secure.

My mind wanders to (Y/N), and I start to worry about her safety. Judith has me to protect her, but who does (Y/N) have?

Did she even make it to Carol's house?

I put my head in my hands, trying to think about anything but the gunshots from outside. I grab the comic book setting on the desk, flipping through it.

I'm about halfway through when I lose my concentration, my mind drifting to the world outside.

There's a knock at the door.

I look to Judith, who's fast asleep. I pull the door shut as I leave the room, pulling my pistol out of it's holster. I stand on the couch, peeking through one of the windows at the very top of the door.

It's Dad and Daryl.

I pull the couch away from the door, swinging it open.

"Carl," Dad smiles, pulling me into a hug. I let out a breathy laugh, relieved to see familiar faces. "Do you have Judith?"

"Yeah, she's upstairs fast asleep," I say, pulling Daryl into a hug. "Have you seen (Y/N)?"

"No, sorry kid," Daryl mumbles, peering in the house behind me. I step back from the doorway, letting them in. "The rest of the town is clear."

Dad makes a dash up the stairs, disappearing into the hallway.

"But you haven't seen (Y/N)?" I ask, sliding my gun back in it's holster. "She was with Carol."

"I talked to Carol, she said she hasn't seen her all day," Daryl says, watching Dad come back downstairs with Judy still asleep in his arms. I sit down on the couch, resting my head in my hands. "Do you want me to help you look for her?"

I look up at Daryl, who's standing by the door. I pull Dad into a quick hug before following Daryl outside. I'm taken back by all of the walkers piled up around the streets, the sight making me nauseous.

"She was on her way to Carol's," I say, pointing in the direction the walkers came from.

There's no way she made it.

"Let's try this house," Daryl says, pointing to the house two doors down from Carol's. I nod, watching as Daryl busts down the door. I follow him inside, jogging up the stairs. I look in every nook and cranny of the house, feeling my heart sink when she's nowhere to be found.

"She's around here somewhere," Daryl says, kicking down the door to the next house. A frazzled (Y/N) sits in the corner, curled up in a ball.

"C- Carl," she breathes out, running over to me. I wrap my arms around her, pulling her close. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I smile, wiping tears from her puffy cheeks. She giggles, more tears falling from her eyes. "I love you."

She cups my face in her hands, pulling my lips down to hers. It's odd at first, but we eventually find out rhythm. My hands fall to her waist, pressing her body up against mine. She pulls her lips away from me, leaning her sweaty forehead against mine. "I love you too."

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now