Imagine 24

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For babymuffingirl

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
Week 48
Dear Diary,
Earlier this week, a guy-who goes by the name of Carl Grimes-found me, and he brought me back to his group. Carl has a great sense of humor, so the long walk to his group wasn't the least bit boring.

We talked about where we were when the apocalypse started, how we keep ourselves entertained during long days, and our families. I didn't have much to tell when it came to families. Because you're my diary, you already know that my brother, Glenn, has been missing since the start of the apocalypse. He left to deliver pizza one day, and he never came back. Well Diary, this week I found Glenn, and I was a train wreck.

I've written enough for now. I'll see you again in approximately seven days!

Week 49
Dear Diary,
Carl and I are becoming closer. Not that I am complaining, but I can hardly get a moment away from him to write in you!

Something I forgot to mention last week was that Rick, Carl's dad, is the leader of the group. He was a little harsh at first, but that's just because he has to put his family first. I told him that I understood all of his rules, and that I'd carry my own weight. I think the fact that Glenn is my brother really weighed into the decision to let me stay.

I'm also becoming closer with Maggie. The things I don't write in you, I tell to her. It's mainly little stuff, like the toys I used to play with. I'm glad that her and Glenn are married. She seems kind.

I love when I get put on baby watch with Carl. We watch his little sister, Judith. She sleeps most of the time, so Carl and I just sit and talk. Diary, I think I might have feelings for Carl. He's so sweet, and he's great with kids! The way he plays with Judith makes my heart melt.

Well Diary, that's all I have for now. I'll see you next week!

Week 50
Dear Diary,
Today something extraordinary happened! Beth, one of the girls at the prison, overheard Carl talking to his guy friends. She says that he likes me! The only problem with this is that I'm afraid I'll mess something up. I'm afraid I'll do something to drive him away. I'm afraid I'll lose him to this cruel world. I know I'm being a little dramatic, but I can't help it, Diary! I care deeply for this boy!

Yesterday, Maggie had a miscarriage. She said that I am the first one she told. I felt as if that was a lot to have on my shoulders, but then I convinced myself that there's nothing I could've done to stop it. She said that in the next few days she'd tell Glenn, but she didn't know how yet. I told her to take her time.

Diary, I feel exhausted. I need to go and get rested up for tomorrow. I get to go on my first run. I'll write about my adventures next week.

Week 51
Dear Diary,
I'm sure you have questions about the run, and I'm ready to answer all of them. Hopefully my memory won't be too hazy, considering that was about a week ago.

It was Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Carl, Michonne, and I that went on the run. We all piled in a van and drove about an hour away to a department store. Rick said everyone needed new winter clothes so that we wouldn't freeze during the cold months. Rick and Michonne were paired together, Glenn and Daryl, and then Carl and I. Carl and I had to find warm blankets and Judith's clothes. Diary, I don't remember all of the little things that happened, but there's one thing I will not forget. Carl kissed me!

I was reaching for a blanket on one of the top shelfs when Carl comes into the isle I'm in. He saw that I was struggling, so he came over to help. His left hand rested on my hip while he grabbed the blanket with his right. "Here," he said with a smile. I was still dazed from his contact, so I just smiled and nodded. He chuckled, said something under his breath, and then he leaned in to kiss me. I dropped the blanket, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands rested on my hips.

Diary, I've got it bad for this boy.

Week 56
Dear Diary,
I'm terribly sorry for not writing in you for about a month. So much has happened between Carl and I. I think I might love him. You remember that "YOLO" philosophy I decided to take up? Well, I might've taken it too far. Sometime last week, I slept with Carl. I mean, over the past month, I've been sleeping in his bed, but I lost my virginity to him last week.

Diary, I'm really worried about Carl and I. We haven't spoken for almost a week now. Why do I feel the need to change myself? Why did I feel the need to act like I only live once? Was I really that bad in bed? I knew I'd mess something up! I told you!

Anyways, I've got chores to do.

Week 56 (a day after the entry)
"(Y/N)?" Carl asks, knocking at the doorway of the watchtower. I stand up from the chair, watching him walk in the room. "I think we should talk."

"Did I do something wrong, Carl? Or have you been avoiding me because I was bad in bed?" I ask, biting the inside of my cheek.

"What?" Carl asks, looking up from the floor. "(Y/N), no," Carl frowns, walking over to me.

"(Y/N), I read your diary. I'm sorry, I know that was an invasion of privacy, but I had to figure out what was wrong with you. You seemed so depressed. I was worried it was something I did, and I was too nervous to ask you." Carl pauses, pulling me into a hug. I push him away, and my back hits the concrete wall.

"(Y/N), please don't push me away. I love you," Carl whispers from across the room, a tear running down his cheek.

"Carl, what am I supposed to do? Think about this from my perspective. I sleep with you, and you stop talking to me. How can you go from sharing a bed with me to not talking to me, and then expect me to believe you when you say you love me out of nowhere?" I ask, and then I pause. I know I'm not making sense, but I just need to get this off of my chest.

"(Y/N), what about me? I have to snoop through your things to figure out what's wrong with you. You won't tell me anything! How am supposed to feel, huh?" Carl yells. Both of us are in tears at this point. I feel like an ass. I want this to be over. I want things to go back to the way they were last week.

"It's a good thing you're cute," I say, walking over to give him a hug. He pulls me close, laughing through his tears.

Hello guys! I wanted to try something new this chapter, and I think it went okay?

Let me clarify something: I KNOW that this "isn't realistic," okay? I get it. I know the time-skips don't make sense. I've heard it. I'm not the best writer. Guess what? I know. I love hearing from you guys, but if you're going to leave constructive criticism, please be unique.

Anyways, does it feel like Christmas to you? It doesn't to me lol

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