Imagine 34

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For BlackWolfFanfictions

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"So, do you think I'll ever...y'know..."

"Get laid?"

"Ew! (Y/N), don't make it sound like I'm a creep!"

"Enid, yes. I do think you'll get laid before you die," I chuckle, picking at the grass between us. Enid throws her head back against the tree with a sigh.

"Do you think it'll be soon?"

"Enid!" I laugh, watching Carl and Mikey approach us.

"Speaking of, here's the lucky man," I elbow Enid's side, making her sit up straight. I see her pull down her top a little, and I give her a look. She gives a little shrug before turning her attention to Mikey.

"Hey girls, what's up?" Carl asks, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Nothin' much," I shrug, watching Mikey give Enid a small wave. Enid just grins in return.

"I was thinking maybe we could meet up at Mikey's house tonight and have a little party type thing?" Carl asks, sitting down across from us. Mikey follows his lead, obviously nervous around Enid.

"My parents are going on a run with Rick, so I have the house to myself tonight," Mikey says, his gaze shifting between Enid and I.

"Sure! We'll be there!" Enid says, smiling.

"Alright, we'll see you girls later," Carl smiles, and then turns to walk off. Mikey gives another wave before following him.

"Enid, I don't know about this. What if we get caught sneaking out?" I ask, picking at the grass.

"(Y/N), come on! You know you wanna sneak out in the night to see Carl. That's relationship goals," Enid says, making me blush a little.

"I mean, I don't know. We're not even in a relationship!" I sigh, turning to face her.

"That's even more of a reason why you should sneak out tonight! It'll show him that you're not always so uptight!" She teases, elbowing me in the side. I roll my eyes, watching Enid stand up. 

"Let's go pick out our outfits!" She squeals, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with a grunt.

"When you were new here," Enid starts, opening the front door to the apartment complex, "Carl would not shut up about how hot you looked in the short pencil skirt you wore to someone's birthday party one time. I was thinking maybe that?"

"I mean, I guess? What'd he say about me?" I ask, fumbling with the key to my parent's apartment.

"Sorry (Y/N), that's confidential," She says, pushing open the front door. We say a quick hello to my mom before making our way to my closet. I grab the skirt, holding it up to my waist.

"Maybe a blue top with it?" I ask, but Enid shakes her head and pushes past me to grab a red blouse instead.

"Red is the color of seduction. Plus, it'll give you an excuse to wear bright red lipstick. That's your color."

Enid comes off as quiet and tomboyish, but when you actually get to know her it's a completely different story. Especially when it comes to guys.

"Alright, let's head to my place," Enid says, grabbing a purse from the corner of my room. She starts to stuff the clothes in it.

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