Imagine 32

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Carl's P.O.V.
"Hey Carl?"

"Yeah, (Y/N)?"

"What's the first question you'll ask God when you get to heaven?"

"Are you high?" I ask, rolling over to face her.

"What? No!" (Y/N) exclaims, sitting up. I grin, watching her face soften into a smile as she realizes it's a joke. She lies back down, cuddling up next to me.

"Do you believe in God?" I ask, but I already new the answer. She was all about the man upstairs. Hell, even her underwear had a bible verse on the side of them.

"Yeah, don't you?" She asks, running a finger along my face. She stops to boop my nose.

Why do we always ask each other these questions when we've known each other's answers for years?

"I mean, I don't know. Why would he put us through something like this?" I ask, closing my eyes.

"I don't know the answer to that question, Carl. What I do know is that God has a reason for everything. Maybe he started this so we would meet?" She says, and I roll my eyes.

"Why would he put everyone through this just so we could meet?" I ask, watching her droopy eyes try not to close.

"Maybe we're going to have a baby that finds the cure for the walkers, and that cure just happens to also be the cure for cancer?" She smiles, which makes me smile too.

"Okay, (Y/N)," I chuckle, rolling over.

"Night," (Y/N) sighs, leaving light kisses on my bare shoulders.


Light shines in through the window, and I blink repeatedly as if that's going to make it go away. I roll over on my stomach, sticking my head under the pillow.

"Let's have a kid."

I look at (Y/N) from under the pillow, watching her watch me.

"(Y/N), how old are we again?" I ask, flabbergasted. She's never mentioned kids before now.

"Eighteen. In a world like this, that's plenty old enough to have kids," she says, looking down at her nails.

"I mean, what if our baby actually finds the cure?" She asks, scanning my eyes for any sign of agreement.

"Honey, I love you, but don't you think it's a little soon to have kids?"

"Carl, our parents let us move in together at sixteen, we got married at seventeen, so for eighteen we should have a baby! Don't you miss having a little baby around?"

(Y/N) knows how to play with my heartstrings. I really do miss having a small, innocent, carefree infant around.

"Let me think about it. It's a lot to process," I say, trying not to completely throw out her idea.

"Yeah, I get it. Take all of the time you need babe," (Y/N) says, giving me a kiss on the cheek. She looks at me for a moment, but then gets up and walks out of the bedroom.

I sigh, rolling over to face the wall away from the door. It's a lot to spring on a person.

I loved having Judith around as a baby, but she was a handful. If I did it at fourteen, then I can do it now, right? Well, at fourteen, I did have someone taking care of me. The group would pitch in and help with the baby like they did with Judith, right?

"Carl?" (Y/N) knocks on the doorframe softly. I roll over, watching her sit on the bed next to where I lye.

"You've been in here for an hour, babe," (Y/N) says, stroking my hair. "You're going to be late for your shift."

"Actually, I'm going on a run today with Dad and a couple of others. I don't have to be anywhere until midday."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'll let you sleep," (Y/N) stands, but I grab her hand before she can walk off. I pull her down into bed with me, rolling on top of her and straddling her. I put my arms on either side of her, kissing her face all over while she squirms. I start to tickle her.

"Stop!" She squeals, gasping for breath. I stop, looking into her big, soft, brown eyes.


"Yeah, Carl?"

"Let's make a little ball of flesh."

"a little ball of flesh"

i'm dead



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