What a Beautiful Day

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(02/20/18) 20k! Guys, I love you. I figured this book would get a couple reads here and there, but I didn't expect it to get this far. If it wasn't for your support, I would've stopped writing a long time ago. Writing for you makes me feel like I have a purpose, so thank you for that.

(07/19/19) 87k? You guys are literally the best. There aren't any words to suffice how greatly appreciated and loved you are.

Third Person
"Eh, you're alright." Carl sits against a cool brick wall, y/n curled up at his side as they pretend to listen to a new guy, Sid, talk about how freakin' cool his mother is.

"What do you guys think of my mom?" Sid is sitting cross cross in the shade from the building, sipping on strawberry water.

"I think she's fucking hot," Carl grins, chewing on his straw as he leans them back against the brick wall. He looks over at her, the boyish grin still plastered on his face.

She just smiles back, leaning further into him.

He looks paler today. And maybe a little sweaty for how chilly spring is this year.

"Oh, piss off!" Sid pushes himself off the pavement, grabbing his coat and water. He shakes his head as he storms back toward town.

"Sid!" Carl calls after him, but Sid just throws up his finger.

Sid stops dead in his tracks to turn around with a wide grin. He jogs back over to where he was sitting, setting down his drink and extra coat. "I got you guys good. I do have to go pee though."

Y/n stirs her drink with the straw. She waits until Sid's around the corner to speak. "We need to find him a girlfriend. Who do you think could tolerate him the longest, Jen or Edith?"

"I love you, y/n." Carl leans his head on top of hers, closing his eyes to appreciate her body heat.

"I know," she says, and they leave it at that. "Let's go?"

"What about Sid?"

"What about him?" She untucks herself from under Carl's arm, watching him lean against the wall for support as he stumbled to his feet. She takes her hand in his, leading him farther from town.

They walk until they reach the pond toward the gates on the opposite side of town. They walk in silence, listening to their breathing and watching their warm exhales freeze in the air.

"I... Sometimes I-" Carl sighs, stopping to collect his thoughts as the two take a seat on the wooden bench. "I feel like I'm not good enough for you."

"What?" Y/n shifts in her seat to face him.

"I just think that you could do so much better. I mean, if it weren't for the apocalypse."

"Don't talk like that."

"It's true, though. Besides being the leader's son, what do I have going for me?" Carl looks out across the pond, trying to ignore the pair of eyes desperately trying to meet his.

"Well, for one, you're funnier than I could ever hope to be; you can crack jokes off the top of your head that would take me minutes to come up with. You're pretty smart, too. Your good looks and skills in bed are just a bonus." Y/n's smile fades as she watches his eyes close. "Look at me. Hey."

She lets go of his hand to cup his chin, tilting his face to face her. She watches the tear fall down his cheek and quickly moves her thumb to swipe it away. "Baby, what is going on?"

"Michonne cheated on Dad."

Y/n sighs. wrapping an arm around his neck and pulling him into her chest. She runs her fingers through his thick hair, kissing the top of his head. "I'm so sorry."

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