Imagine 38

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

Do you ever make up scenarios of yourself and the guy you like? I don't mean sexual scenarios, I mean of simple things, like hugs or holding hands.

See, I have this image in my head of Carl and I hugging. His arms are wrapped around my waist, and his hands rest on the curve of my hip. My arms are thrown around his neck, pulling him into me. His chin rests in the crook of my neck, his warmth giving me chill bumps. One of my hands runs through his thick, brown hair, lightly scratching him as I do so. He whispers sweet nothings into my ear, and I just stand there, a goofy grin on my face.

"(Y/N)," Carl's girlfriend, Michelle, peeks her head into my cell. "There are still things on your chore checklist that haven't been checked off yet. You're the only one that's not finished."

I sigh, throwing myself back on my bed when she leaves. I take a few deep breaths, closing my eyes and trying to get my daydream back. Unfortunately, all I can hear is Michelle's squeaky voice. I stand up, my boots clunking against the metal stairs as I head down to the cafeteria. Before I enter the cafeteria, I hear my name being said. I stop, listening in to the conversation.

"...(Y/N) with her chores. I know they aren't your responsibility, but-"

"Dad, did I argue?"

Rick walks out of the cafeteria with a nod my way, and I walk in. Carl is standing there, looking over the whiteboard. He nods to himself before realizing I'm in the room.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)," Carl says, throwing up a hand. I just stand there awkwardly, his back still to me. He turns around, walking past me. I follow him outside to the field.

"So, I was thinking that we could get these chores done faster if we worked together," He says, starting to peel green beans.

"(Y/N), I'm trying to make an excuse to hang out with you. Do you really want to decline?" Carl smiles, looking up at me. I get flustered, my words jumbled up in my mouth. He looks back to the bean in his hand, still smiling.

"Won't your girlfriend get mad?" He shakes his head.

"I broke up with her last night."

"Oh, I'm sorry," I say, mentally facepalming.

"Don't be," He says, smiling up at me again. "There are better fish in my puddle."


"So, what's been up with you recently? We haven't talked much since Michelle."

"Nothing much. I mean, I made a new piece for my collection, but that's about it."

"You'll have to show me when we get finished with the chores."

I really hope he forgets I said anything about it. It's completely about him, and it's pretty obvious. I cut out random words from newspapers and put the words that described him or my feelings for him on the paper. I'd rather actually get bit than have him-or anyone-read it.

"What about you?" I ask, realizing that I created an awkward silence. He shrugs, not looking up from the bean in his hand.

"I cleared out Cellblock B by myself."

"Carl, that's awesome!"

"Want to go see it?" He asks, setting the green bean down in the bucket.

"Right now?" I ask. He nods, standing up. "Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm living it up while I can. Who cares if one bucket of green beans didn't get peeled. When we die, do you think that'll be what we're remembered for? No." He offers out a hand to help me up, and I take it. I expect him to let go when I stand up, but he doesn't. Instead, he starts to sprint toward the door. I try to keep up with him, not wanting to slow him down. We race past Carol and Daryl, and through the door to Cellblock B.

"Isn't this awesome?" He asks, slowing down. We're both covered in sweat, panting.

"Yeah. It's like we've got a whole cellblock to ourselves," I smile, looking around.

"I say we do it on ever piece of furniture in here," Carl says, and I turn to him with wide eyes. When I see his cocky grin, I feel my neck get hot. Before I can reply, groans are heard from behind us. We turn around only to find a herd blocking our only exit.

"Shit!" Carl yells, pulling me with him to a nearby cell. Before he steps in the cell, he pulls the gate between us closed. He locks the door, pulling on it to make sure it doesn't budge.

"I want you to stay here and kill as many as you can without opening this door," He says, sticking the keyring between the bars. "Do not open this door until they're all gone, okay?"


"(Y/N), trust me. This is how you survive," He says, forcing the keys into my hand.

"What about you?" I ask, the keys rattling in my hand from shaking so bad. Carl smiles, the glint in his eyes making me melt.

"As long as you're alright, I'll be okay," He says, and then turns to face the walkers.

"Come get me, Bitches!" He yells, pulling a knife out from his boot. He smacks the wall repeatedly, making as much noise as possible. When I can't see him anymore, I take a deep breath.

What would Carl do?

I pull my pocket knife out, but it falls to the floor with a clatter. I scramble to pick it back up, and then start to stab walkers through the gate. When they're all on the floor, I fall back against the wall, sliding down to the floor. I catch my breath while waiting to make sure there aren't any more walkers.

After what feels like forever, I reach my arm through the space in the door, unlocking it. I slide it open, walkers falling on top of me. I push myself out from under them, and then I peek out to make sure there aren't any more walkers. When I see that everything is okay, I step over the pile on the floor and out into the hallway. I start down the hall, my knife and keyring still in hand.

"Carl?" I call out in a whisper. The farther into the cellblock I get, the more worried I get. I haven't found any bodies yet, which could be a good or bad thing.

"(Y/N)?" Carl calls out, turning around the corner. When I see him, my knees almost give out with joy and relief. We both start running towards each other, crashing into one another. Our arms scramble around each other, searching one another up and down to make sure they're real.

"I love you, I love you, I love you," I say, tears running down my face as I wrap my arms around his neck. I run my hands through his hair, my nails lightly scratching his head. His arms snag around my waist, a firm hand on my back pulling me closer to him.

"I love you too." He rests his chin on my shoulder for a moment, and I melt into his warmth.

"Awe, why are you crying? I'm right here," He says, wiping away my tears with his thumb. I laugh, more tears rolling from my eyes. He laughs too, lines forming around his mouth. I study his smile for a moment before pulling myself to him for a kiss.

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now