The End

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It's hard to find words to say to someone who has been there for me since before middle school.


I have no idea what to say to you.

There are no words to describe how incredibly thankful I am to have had you as a reader, and this platform as an opportunity.

You are the reason I started writing, and the reason I kept going even when I didn't feel like it. You are the reason I've come as far as I have.

I know it might be silly, and I know we've never actually met, but for some reason I feel like we're connected. I feel like we've been through a 5+ year journey together, and this is the point in the story where all conflict is resolved and we're free to go our separate ways.

Calling it quits on this era in my life is extraordinarily bittersweet for me. It's an opportunity for growth and new beginnings, but it's also saying goodbye to my roots in writing.

When I first started the whole "Carl Grimes Imagines" idea, I was a 'rebellious' pre-teen whose angst output was through words. All throughout middle school, I spent years pouring out my emotions and thoughts into Carl Grimes and his potential love interests.

It goes without saying that I have grown as a writer. I've learned that punctuation does, in fact, go inside of quotation marks. I've learned that paragraphs are not only okay, but encouraged! The side of Wattpad that's less talked about is the personal growth that comes along with time spent here.

It's crazy to look back at my first book. It serves as a time capsule not only for my writing, but as to what kind of headspace I was in when I scribbled those words down. In some of the chapters, I can tell you exactly how old I was and exactly what was going on and exactly how I was feeling.

I'm blessed to be able to have that, and I'm blessed to have readers who have supported me all the way through.

I would've given up writing if it wasn't for your support. Maybe your 'star' was just a meaningless click of a button, or maybe your comment was something born out of boredom. Whatever the circumstance, it kept me going. It kept me chasing a passion I didn't know I had.

Writing is what got me through all the tough times I faced. Without it, without you, who knows where I'd be today! And for that, all I can say is thank you.

While this is my farewell to Wattpad, I don't want us to lose touch. We're a family! PLEASE reach out to me, whether it be just to talk about your day or to brainstorm ideas for your own writing! At least drop in and say hi!

I can be reached on tumblr @ sunsetreading

So, for the very last time, I say thank you.

I love you, and goodbye.


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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