Imagine 10

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(Play the song "I gave you all" by Mumford and Sons at 2:25 and then read)

Carl's P.O.V.

"Hey (Y/N), it's Carl. I know I'm probably too late and you won't hear this, but please don't go. Don't leave me here in this shitty town all by myself. Don't move in with your uptight dad just because your mother wants you to. You can stay with me, (Y/N). I-" I choke a sob down.

"I love you, (Y/N). I would do anything for you, and I hate how oblivious you are to that." I say, looking up at the ceiling.

"Please, (Y/N), don't go," I say, then end the call.

I look across the prison yard to the girl with the smile that could light up a sky with no stars, the girl who never checked her voicemail, the girl who doesn't know I love her.

There's a big ripping sound, and before anyone has time to register what's happening, the gate of the prison is down. Walkers are spilling into the prison yard, looking for fresh meat.

As soon as (Y/N) sees, she pulls out her knife and stabs a few walkers, but then stars to run towards where I am.

"We need to hide," (Y/N) says, panting. I grab her calloused hand and drag her to one of the supply closets down the hall.

"Great plan, Carl. Now if the walkers come we're stuck." She says, putting her hand on her hip.

"Okay, then what was your bright idea?" I ask, putting my hand on my hip to mock her. She rolls her eyes as she sits down.

"Carl, I don't know what I've done to upset you, but I'm sorry," she says after a few minutes of silence.

"Well for one, you don't check your voicemail," I say, looking at anything but her.

"Wait, so this is what you're upset about? You think I didn't get the voicemail of you telling me not to go? You think I didn't spend months listening to that voicemail on repeat? You think you were the only one that didn't want me to go? Carl, I loved you too. I didn't want to go either, but I thought you hated me," (Y/N) says, which makes me break inside.


"No, Carl. We're not talking about this. I'm over the move, I'm over the voicemail, and I'm over you," she says, and I feel a small part of me break.

"I'm sorry."

The door busts open, and walkers start to spill in. (Y/N) and I move to the back corners of the room, stabbing all of the walkers that we can. Soon enough we're swarmed, and I see (Y/N) go down.

I continue to stab the walkers, watching them drop to my feet. I stab out all of the anger I felt towards (Y/N)'s mom, I stab out all of the sadness I felt from when (Y/N) moved, and I stab out all of the heartbreak I felt when (Y/N) said she was over me. I stab everything until there's nothing left to stab.

When I realize all of the walkers are dead, I rush to (Y/N)'s side. Her eyes struggle to focus on me, but when they do, a tear rolls down her cheek.

"I'm not over you."

Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now