Imagine 18

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Imagine for Queer-Pisces

Carl's P.O.V.
Across from Dad, Daryl, Maggie, Carol, Glenn, and I sits a girl with a baby in her arms, waiting for Dad to start their interview.

"Okay, let's start," Dad says, pressing record on the camera. The girl nods, watching him sit.

"What are your names?" Maggie asks, getting out a notebook. Maggie and Carol have always been good with girls, so we plan to let them start us off.

"I'm (Y/N), and this is Nicholes," the girl says, glancing from one of us to the next.

If I'm honest, this girl is pretty attractive.

"Okay, good. Are you two related?" Maggie asks, smiling at the baby.

I hope that isn't her kid. That'd be a dealbreaker.

"Yeah, he's my little brother," she says, her short brown hair falling into her face as she smiles down at the sleeping baby boy.

"How old are you guys?" I ask.

"I'm fourteen, he's one month."

Wow, I thought she would be older. She looks so... mature? Well developed?

"I couldn't imagine taking care of someone at such a young age. You got a glimpse as to what it's like, didn't you Carl?" Maggie asks, looking over at me.

"I- Yeah, I guess," I say, caught off guard.

"Why are you here?" Dad asks, bringing us back to the point of the interview.

"Our old group was just a bunch of murderers. They'd go around killing innocent people for their supplies."

"Have you ever killed anyone?" Dad asks.

"Heavens no!" (Y/N) exclaims, her eyes getting wide.

"Have you?" She asks, putting dad in a tough situation.

"Yes," Dad says, looking down at his hands. (Y/N) stands up, readjusting Nicholes in her arms.

"I think we should go. It was nice meeting you all-"

"It was self defense. They were trying to kill my little girl, Judith," Dad says, and (Y/N) sits back down.

"How old is she?" (Y/N) asks.

"Two months as of yesterday," I speak up, thinking back to when I had to put my own mother down. Everyone from our group smiles at me sympathetically.

"Are they after y'all?" Daryl asks, chewing on a toothpick.

"They shouldn't be. They barley acknowledged us," (Y/N) says, tucking a strand of hair behind her hair.

"What are you looking for from us?" Glenn asks.

"Just a place to call home and a way to get food. Don't worry, I'll find a way to carry our weight," she says, crossing her legs.

"Okay, stay here with Carl for a second. We'll be back shortly," Dad says, and they all exit the room.

"Where are they going?" She asks, watching the door close.

"To decide if you get to stay or not." I say, picking at my nails.

"Listen, if you don't want us here, we'll go."

"What?" I ask, looking up at her.

"You don't seem to like us much," she says, the baby starting to stir. When he wakes up, his eyes are the first thing I notice. They're sparkly brown, just like (Y/N)'s.

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