Imagine 36.5

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.
"When can I learn your name?" Carl asks, sitting down beside me at the cafeteria table. It's been a week since I was brought to the prison, and nobody knows my name yet. Rick, Carl's dad, threatened to kill me if I didn't tell him my name, but Carl wouldn't let him.

Honestly, I wish he'd just go ahead and kill me.

"Please," Carl begs, putting his head on my shoulder. I laugh a little, smiling as a girl with short, grey hair puts a plate of vegetables down on the table for me.

"I've been here for a week, and I still haven't told anyone my name. What makes you think you'll be the first to know it?" I ask, looking over at Carl. He's picking at his food, only eating the beans and corn.

I've accepted the fact that my group is dead. I've accepted the fact that I'm living with murders. They gave me the chance to leave a day or two ago, but Carl convinced me to stay. Carl was right about me not wanting to kill him, and I think that's the same reason he didn't kill me.

"Uh, because I'm your future boyfriend?" Carl asks, his mouth full of corn.

"A little confident there, are we?" I smile, taking a bite of my green beans. He shrugs, continuing to eat. I see Rick approaching, so I decide to mess with Carl.

"By the way, my name is-" Rick comes up, interrupting me as planned.

"Hey, I came to talk to you guys about-"

"Dad!" Carl yells, letting a sigh out after. I laugh, covering my mouth so that food doesn't go everywhere. Rick looks confused for a second, but goes back to talking anyways.

"Chores. I think it's about time you learned to kill the walkers at the fence. Carl is an excellent teacher, so I'll let him teach you. After the fence is cleared, I want you to follow Carl around and help him with his chores."

"What?" I ask, pretending to be upset that I have to follow Carl around tomorrow. That's what I usually do anyways. Carl chuckles, watching Rick walk off.

We finish up dinner, and then head to bed. I climb up to the bed above Carl's, and then fall asleep to the thought of Carl.

"Good morning, Sunshine," Carl sings, standing on his bed to greet me face to face.
I jump back a bit, but then just roll over.

"It's too early," I say, covering my head with the blanket. Carl climbs up the ladder, laying down beside me. He lets himself under the covers, and then drapes an arm over me. Butterflies fill my stomach, and I try not to sweat with nervousness.

What if I'm too fat for him? What if he's just treating me special because I'm the only choice he has? What if him liking me is all in my head?

I can find all of this out with a kiss. One kiss is all it would take. Just one little peck, and then I'd know. I should do it. The worst that could happen is he doesn't kiss back.

"We should get to it," He says, climbing back down the ladder. I sit up, cold from the abrupt lack of his warmth. I sigh, following him out to the fence.

"Alright, let's start," Carl says, grabbing two sharpened poles from a rack hanging on the fence. He hands one to me, and I observe the bloody tip. Bits of rotten flesh cling to the end.

"You're smart, so you'll catch on quickly. All you have to do is tap the fence a little to get their attention, wait until they're close, and then stab them. You want to try?" He asks, stepping back.

"Can I see you do it one more time?" I ask, and he nods. Instead of watching his technique, I watch the way his muscles flex as he uses his strength.

"I'm going to do this one more time, and maybe you should watch the way I do it instead of the way my muscles look? I can show you those later," He winks.

He kills another walker before stepping back to give me room. I bang on the fence, and the growls get louder. I quickly pull back my pole, stabbing it through the walker's skull.

It's a lot harder than it looks.

We continue doing that, and then we sit down at a picnic table for our break. Glenn walks up, ready to start a conversation.

"Hey, how was your first time killing walkers at the fence?" Glenn asks, taking a drink of his water.

"She did great," Carl says, placing his hand on my thigh. I tense up, but Glenn and Carl continue with their conversation. His hand slides up higher on my thigh, his actions hidden from Glenn by the table. When he starts to rub circles on my inner thigh with his thumb, I have to cover my mouth to keep from letting out a squeal. Glenn looks at me oddly, and Carl puts on the same face, but with a glint in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" Carl asks, a hint of playfulness in his voice.

"I just felt like I was going to throw up, that's all," I say, but mentally facepalm afterwards. How is Carl not repelled by me at this point?

"Well, I hope you get better. See you guys later," Glenn waves, walking off.

"Don't worry Sunshine, I'll help you feel better," Carl whispers, his warm breath tickling my neck. He takes my hand, leading me through our cellblock to one that the group recently cleared out.

I'm shaking with excitement as we strip off our clothing, and my breathing exhilarates when Carl starts kissing down my neck. As his kisses get lower, it becomes harder to be quiet. When his hands start exploring my body, I have to bite my lip to the point where it's bleeding to suppress moans. Carl's deep blue eyes flicker up to meet mine, and a rush of adrenaline courses through my veins.

"Looks like you two won't be sharing a room anymore," Rick says, and Carl climbs on top of me to cover me.

"Shit, Dad!" Carl lets out a sigh, resting his head in the crook of my neck.

"I expect you guys to get back to work in five minutes. Don't let me catch you like this again," He says, walking off. Carl and I both struggle to hold back laughs until we're sure he's gone, and then we get dressed.


"What?" Carl asks, looking up from his belt buckle.

"My name. It's (Y/N)."

Ah, I thought this was cute. Did you guys like it?

I didn't edit this, whoops.

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