Imagine 4

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*going back and looking at this chapter, (Y/G) probably doesn't mean anything to you. I thought I was cool and could please everybody when I wrote this, so it means your gender*

Carl's P.O.V.
"So, they said your name was Carl?" A (Y/G) asks, tied to the pole across the room from me.

Our attack on Woodbury had failed, so now I get to take a beating.

"Yeah," I say, heart beating out of my chest.

"Hey, calm down. I've been here for eight days and they haven't beaten my brains out," the (Y/G) says, looking at me strangely.

"I- I know you. You're Carl Grimiest?" The (Y/G) asks, and I shake my head.

"Grimes," I correct the (Y/G), watching a smile form on their face.

"We met at a gas station one time. We hit it off in the bathroom while your group was at the mall across the road?" The (Y/G) says, smiling. I nod, laughing.

"(Y/N)," I sigh, closing my eyes and thinking back to the bathroom.

"Yeah, you were pretty great," I smile, and (Y/N) laughs.

"You weren't so bad yourself, sheriff," (Y/N) says, but then the door swings open.

The governor walks in the door, holding my baby sister in his hands.

My blood runs cold.

He swiftly shuts the door behind him with his foot. He smiles, looking down at Judith while pacing around the room.

"You know, with just a twist I could kill her," he smiles, almost causing me to throw up.

"Grimes, you have one chance to tell me the layout of the prison. If you don't, she's gone," the governor says, placing a hand on Judy's small little head.

"Five, four, three, two-"

"OKAY! I'll- I'll draw you a map in the morning. Please, just don't hurt her," I say, feeling hopeless. The governor smiles, removing his hand from Judy and placing it on the doorknob, leaving.

"How am I so stupid! I was the one who assigned people with jobs! How could I have left Tara with her?" I sigh, sliding down the pole.

"You know he's gonna use things you love against you. Everyone has their weak spot. The one thing that, despite your efforts, will always bring you to your knees, regardless of how strong you are otherwise. When someone knows what you care about, they know you, and that means they can hurt you. You can't help loving what you love, Carl."

• I'm really sorry all of these have been short. I kinda like this one though. Part 2?•

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