Imagine 31

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Carl's P.O.V.

"Hey (Y/N)," I walk up from behind (Y/N), causing her to jump.

"Oh, Carl," (Y/N) laughs, putting a hand over her heart. "You scared me."

"Sorry," I smile, sitting down beside her at the wooden picnic table. I watch her as she looks around the town, a gentle breeze blowing her hair out of her face.

"Do you think whoever built this new the apocalypse was coming soon, or did they build it just because they had the money?" (Y/N) asks, taking a bite of her granola bar.

"I don't think anyone would know the answer to that question besides the man who built it," I say, not able to come up with an intelligent answer. She nods, looking down at the table.

"You know, for a seven year old, Justin was pretty artistic," I say, watching her smile.

"Yeah, he really was."

Her brother, Justin, passed away about a year ago from a walker bite. Before he was bit, he used to go around and paint everything he could get his hands on. Since he sat at this picnic table with (Y/N) every day, he decided to paint the two of them on it together. The two of them were only stick people, but to (Y/N), it was a masterpiece.

"So, what are your plans for today?" (Y/N) asks, turning to face me.

"I was about to ask you the same question."

"Well, since we both have the day off, I figured we could go swimming?" (Y/N) shrugs.

"In the bacteria infested lake? No way!" I laugh, and (Y/N) glares at me jokingly.

"Okay, what if we went to the clothing store and picked out outfits for each other? Like I'll pick out an outfit for you, you pick out an outfit for me, and then we have to rate it from one to ten."

"That could be fun," I shrug, standing up. I offer my hand out to help her up, but she declines. I shake it off, talking about nothing with (Y/N) on the way to the clothing store down the road.

"Alright Carl, are you ready for me to come out?" (Y/N) asks from behind the dressing curtain.

"Yeah, give me the big reveal!" I grin, watching her walk out in a long skirt and a blouse.

"I actually really like this. I'll give you an eight," She says, spinning around.

The outfit didn't complement her curves like the outfit that I had originally picked out, but this one said "I have more respect for you than the other guys, so I won't make you wear short-shorts and a low-cut tank."

She sits down beside me on the bench, handing me a silky fabric. I start to unfold it to see what it is, but she stops me.

"Just go try it on," She says, smiling. I nod, walking back behind the curtain and pulling it shut. I strip down, unfolding the article of clothing.

It's a speedo.

I slip it on over my boxers, glancing at myself in the mirror. There's no way I can go out like this in front of her.

"Carl, if you're not out in ten seconds, I'm coming in!" (Y/N) yells from outside. I nod, breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I've got this.

I pull back the curtain, my hands racing down to cover myself before (Y/N) can see. When I look up, I see (Y/N) curled up on the bench, unable to catch her breath. I stand there, watching her wipe away her tears.

"I'm so sorry," She says, still smiling. I shake my head, walking back to get changed. When I'm dressed, I go back out and sit beside her.

I don't know if it's the lighting, her good looks, or the light mood, but for some reason, I decide now is a good time to confess my feelings for her.

"(Y/N), can I say something?" I ask, and she nods.

"I like you. I've liked you for about a year now, and I don't know if it's because you have the prettiest smile, or if it's because you have the most wonderful personality, but (Y/N), I can't stop thinking about you. I've liked you for about a year now, and I can't get that feeling to go away. Instead of hiding my feelings and trying to get them to go away, I've decided to embrace them and tell you. So, (Y/N), will you be my girlfriend?" I ask, watching her mouth fall open.

"I-I'm so sorry Carl, but I can't," She sighs, looking down at her hands. I feel tears at the brim of my eyes.

"Was it the speedo?" I smile, trying to lighten the mood.

"No," (Y/N) laughs, looking back up at me. She's crying too. "Enid called dibs on you first, and I can't break the girl code."

"But I don't like Enid, (Y/N). I like you. Why does the girl code matter if the girl who called "dibs" is never going to have a shot with me anyways?" I ask.

Ouch, that might've been a little cocky.

"I'm sorry," (Y/N) chokes out. We both stand up, and before she can walk away, I grab (Y/N)'s arm and spin her around. I press my lips against hers, trying to take everything in before it's too late.

Even though this is what my entire year has led up to, I pull away first. It's not what I wanted to do, but I change my mind. Remembering this kiss will only make it harder to let her go.

I feel like this could've been better, but it also could've been worse.

I miss updating regularly! I feel like I have a part of me missing when it's update day! I would totally go back to every other day if I had more requests!

I know it's not been that long since I've seen you, but what's up?

1. Do you have any plants in your room?

2. What's one thing from your past that you wish you could change?

3. Do you guys have tumblr? I'm relatively new to it, so I don't have a great grip on it yet. Follow me @lilac_grimes (i can't remember if it has the underscore or not, whoops)

^ y'all, please follow me on tumblr. at least make me think i have friends lol. 4 follows for a new update 😂

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