Imagine 46

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For urban_laylay

(Y/N)'s P.O.V.

"You're kidding, right?" I smile at Michonne. "You really want your hair shaved off?"

"I think it'd be much easier to take care of, and it'd be safer because walkers couldn't latch onto it," She says, taking a bite from her sugar cookie. I shrug, taking a bite from mine also. Carl and I had a great time making these for Maggie's baby shower. Speaking of Maggie, where is she?

"Walkers!" Someone runs into the house shouting. Just like that, the fantasy of having one good night is over. 

Everyone is rushing around, cramming to try and get outside to help fight. I look around, searching for Carl. I know I need to be more independent, but I can't help relying on my boyfriend. We had a fight right before the baby shower. Hopefully he's still not mad. Oh lord, I hope he's okay. I see Rick leaning against the wall, as calm as ever. 

"What are you doing?" I ask, and it takes him a minute to focus on me.

"I had too much to drink. The only thing I'd do is get in the way."

What a great leader.

"Have you seen Carl?" I ask, shouting over the screams of others. 

"Actually, he's around here looking for you," Rick says, looking back at the door. I sigh, quickly searching around the house. When I don't find him, I venture outside. 

"Carl?" I call out, grabbing my gun from it's holster. I make a circle around the house, not finding anything. When I step around the corner, a herd of walkers start to chase me. 

I turn around and start shooting randomly into the herd, missing quite a few times. When I'm out of bullets, I just start running. I hear gunshots, and then the next thing I know I'm on the ground, a blinding pain in my right eye. The last thing I see before I pass out is walkers. 

This is the end.

- -

I wake up to the sound of voices. 

"Son, where were you? Your only job is to keep your loved ones safe. Do you have any idea how much lip I'm going to get from her mother over this?"

"You're the one to talk! At least I was out there fighting! Where were you? Sipping on wine?"

"We'll talk about this later."

I open my eyes - My eye?

I raise my hand to take off whatever is covering my eye, but apparently I missed it.

"Oh baby, I missed you so much," Carl says, leaving kisses all over my face. 

"Can you take the bandage off of my eye?" 

"You already did." I feel my eyes - my eye - widen, my hand automatically reaaching up to my missing eye.

"You're teasing," I smile up at Carl, but his expression tells me otherwise. "Let me see a mirror."

"(Y/N), I don't-"

"Let me see a mirror, dammit!" I yell. One of the ladies working as a "nurse" hands me a handheld mirror, and when I look in it a wave of sorrow washes over me. Of course I notice my eye, but my hair has grown at least a couple inches. I calmly sit the mirror down, taking a deep breath in.

"Who did it?" I ask calmly.

"(Y/N), please."

"Who did it?" I ask, raising my voice.

"Beth," Carl sighs, looking down at his feet. 

"That bitch! She's been trying to find a way to get me away from you ever since the prison!" I yell, standing up. I lose my balance, but Carl catches me before I can hit the ground.

Something isn't right.

"How long have I been asleep?" 

"Three months."

"What happened in those three months?" I ask, leveling myself to meet him face to face.

"Well, Judy has learned to walk, Dad and Michonne got together, the town-"

"You and I both know that's not what I'm talking about." I cut Carl off. He stays silent for another moment.

"Don't make me beg," I whisper, tears brimming my eyes. I bite my lip, already knowing what's about to come out of his mouth.

"I slept with her," He says, his voice barely a whisper. I fall back in a chair, not ready for that statement. I mean, I knew that's what he was going to say, but that's not what I wanted to hear.

"Even after she shot me?" I ask, my hand reaching up to feel the kisses he left on my face when I first woke up. I feel so dirty.

"No, of course not. She told me afterwards. I'm so sorry," He says, his hand reaching out to touch mine. I pull away, standing up. 

"Hey, it's forgive and forget, right?" I smile, tears rolling down my cheeks. 

- - -

A happy chapter will come next, I promise lol. 

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