Just another day

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"Bye dad! Love you, have a great day!" I exclaim as I leave the car. He smiles and waves before he speeds off, making a screechy noise. I can see Mia by the gates, waiting for me on her phone. The light of her phone lit up her face, a glowing moody face.
   "What's wrong with you?" I say, curious of her response.
   "I'm freezing, waiting here for ya won't make me any warmer!" She responded in a thick scouse accent, making me giggle to myself. "I'm just checkin' me Insta before the demons take it from me." When she says 'demons' she means teachers, remember that. She then quickly puts it in her blazer pocket before they see her as she turns and smirks at me in a rebellious manner. You see cos Mia doesn't give one about what people think of her, that's why I love her. "If we get a late mark I swear-" she's then interrupted by Ella, my other best friend.
   "You swear what?" She asks innocently, with a confused frown. Mia and I just shake our heads and laugh. "What? WHAT?" We always make fun of Ella, we don't mean to but she's just, well, Ella. She's the softest and sweetest person I've ever met and not a single profanity escapes her long thick lips. She's like our mum, taking care of us, making sure we don't get into too much trouble.
   "Mia was just saying we better not get a late mark, that's all!" I say, reassuring Ella and spreading a wide smile between her dimples as she looks down at her watch wrapped tightly around her wrist.
   "Well its only twenty past eight, so you have plenty of time." She replies smugly and calmly, comforting Mia.
We then raced towards the doors to get to the lockers, laughing and panting to see Megan standing by the door, shoving strawberry laces into her mouth before a demon sees her. We all tut. Megan then laughs hysterically and joins in the race, dragging her massive bag along the floor. I'm at the front, beating all of them and smirking before I am stopped by a teacher, Miss Hartins.
   "No running in the corridors girls! There could be an accident." She says, echoing each word down the hall way.
   "Sorry Miss, didn't want to be late for registration." I reply, attempting to calm Miss down.
   "Yeah Miss! We don't want to affect any of our learning now would we?" Megan asks, making Miss realise what we were doing was completely acceptable. Miss then nods her head and strolls off, hands behind her back. You see, Megan's great when it comes to those situations, a teachers pet let us say. She just wants everyone to like her but it doesn't always work out for her. But she's so confident that she always saves herself from eternal shame. It's quite amazing how she does that. Stuffing our bags into our lockers, the bell goes and we sprint to registration.
   "Morning Miss!" We all say like a chant we're forced to say. Mrs Muggains, a clueless teacher who no one really listens to, but she can be nice when she wants to be. Hurried, she finishes the register before sitting back in her spinning chair with her arms folded tightly to heat her up. We all have a good chat before the torture begins, class. The bell goes and we all groan and sigh as we walk to class like prisoners entering prison.  It knowing it was going to be a normal school day.

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