1 more day - Mia's PoV

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I'm sitting with Jackson on one of the leather seats of the school bus, and I'm so cold. So cold that my fingers ache, he can tell.
"Take my blazer, seriously, you're freezing to death." He says, attempting to take off his blazer, but I refuse.
"Nope, you need the warmth more than I do." I say as I wrap his blazer back around him, making him chuckle.
"Who knew you could be so caring?" He asks snuggling up to me, confusing me.
"What do you mean?" I ask him, laughing and holding his head against my shoulder.
"Well, you always act like tough and like you don't care. But you do, deep down you're so nurturing. That's all." He explains, making the fog clear away from the situation for a moment.
Kissing his forehead, Harry, Jess, Keoni and Hunter rush in, panting out of breath and slamming the door behind them.
"What the fuck are you lot doing?" I cry, snapping and losing my temper, making Jackson laugh.
"See what I mean." He says, making me rolls my eyes and laugh.
"W - we - and she - then pfff - and oh my god." Says Keoni through deep breaths, and quickly fainting to the ground, revealing Hunter standing behind her.
"I shot Ms Drudge." He says, picking Keoni up off the floor.
"Oh well done, that's one less bitch to deal with." I say, patting him on his shoulder.
"Tough!" Cries Jackson from the bus, making me rolls my eyes again.
"No. Not 'well done', more like everyone heard a loud gun shot, will find the body of the head teacher and lose two of their hostages." Explains Harry whilst constantly pushing his fringe from his face. Shit. I begin to panic and look to Jackson with a confused look on my face.
"We need to tell the others." I reply, trying to take control.
"They are where exactly?" Asks Jess, brushing down Keoni and carrying her onto the bus, plonking her onto a seat.
I pause to think, but to be honest, I can only think of Jackson, not where all the others are, I have no idea where they are. Right. Be caring.
"Is Keoni ok?" I ask, in an attempt to look like I know what to do.
"Err, yeah, she's fine. That's not the problem here. We need to find the others." Says Hunter, shaking his head in confusion.
Well, maybe Jackson isn't right, why do I have to be caring to anyone but him. Maybe honesty is the way forward.
"Well, I only know that they've gone for first aid and food." I reply, making everyone sigh with nervousness and disappointment.
"Look, Mia, it's really important we find them." Says Harry, edging closer to me, he's serious.
"Why? They're only getting supplies." I reply, hearing Jackson's voice in my head saying 'tough'.
"Me and Jess where kept hostage by Ms Drudge and she forced us to tell her about everyone in our group and are looking for them. I don't even what to think about what her minions will do to them." He explains, making my chest ache and the back of my throat scratch.
"What the fuck, Harry?! You told the teachers all about us." Shouts Hunter, shoving Harry, making Jess scurry over.
"Hunter, no please, if we didn't tell her she was going to kill us." Says Jess, separating Harry and Hunter.
"Well now they're going to kill all of us!" Exclaims Hunter, pushing Jess out of the way.
"Did you just push Jess?! I'm going to fucking kill you!" Replies Harry, charging towards Hunter like a raging bull.
They rag eachother around the garage and throw punches at eachother and Jess just watches, tears in her eyes yet looking proud and smug; she has her knight in shining armour fighting for her, what's not to like?
As the fight begins to grow dangerous, three loud clear knocks echo from the bus. It's Jackson,
"Could you quieten down out there? I'm trying to sleep." Says Jackson, laughing to himself.
"Tough!" I reply back to him, making him laugh even more.
Harry and Hunter pick themselves up from the floor, Harry quickly fixes his hair whilst Jess returns to his side. They nod to eachother in respect, yet embarrassment. I tut.
"Well now that you lot are finished, let's find the rest and get out of this shit hole." I say; they all nod.
"What about Koeni?" Asks Harry, tilting his head.
"Looks like she's still unconscious, so her and Jackson can look after the bus. Now come on!" I exclaim as we all run through the door way, scared of what's ahead - I mean, Hunter has JUST killed the head teacher, obviously other teachers are going to notice, what are we running into.
"I think we should go to food supply cupboard first, most of them will be there." Says Hunter before checking the coast. He nods - all clear. We continue running to the food supply cupboard,
"Yeah, me and Harry were caught by first aid so they're all going to be looking their." Adds a Jess, making Hunter's idea even more appealing.
We're in the cafeteria, hearts racing and sweat rolling down my forehead. I'm terrified, but determined, do this for Jackson, Mia. Do this for Jackson. And remember, if we don't get the others back to the bus, all the teachers will shoot them. All of them. But to be honest, I'd rather get a bullet to the head than starve to death or become - one of those. I swallow all my fear and scurry to the food supply with the others.
   "I can hear something, like, rustling." Says Jess, pressing her ear against the door.
   "It's probably the others, in the cupboard." Says Harry, nodding to Jess.
   "Yeah, not shit masterminds." Says Hunter, going around the corner into the cupboard. I chuckle to myself.
"Shut up, Hunter." Says Harry, Hunter turns away from him, "Prick." He continues, "Don't listen to him, Jess, you're my mastermind." Harry leans over and kisses Jess,
"Oh, get a room you two." I say, laughing to myself.
   "Jesus Christ! Hunter, you scared the shit out of me!" Exclaims Megan, pressing hard against her chest in shock.
   "Hunter, take these, I'm taking the beans." Says Ella, quite blank faced, handing him a few cans of tinned food. The labels are so faded, I don't even know what they are, I dread eating those. What I want the most is pizza, just a lovely disc of mozzarella and tomato, makes my mouth water just thinking about it. Better than tins of beans and bread rolls.
"Guys?" Says Billy, turning to face the door way, horror painted on his face.
Everybody just continues packing, but I notice.
"Billy, what's wrong?" I ask, putting my hand on his shoulder, agitating Megan.
"Get your hands off my boyfriend." She says, shoving me away from Billy, he's still frozen, a horrified statue.
"Did you just fucking shove me?" I say, slowly becoming angry.
"Yeah I did, and what?" Says Megan, pointing in my face, making me rage and bubble with anger under the surface, a volcano ready to erupt.
"Don't piss me off. You KNOW you don't want to piss me off." I reply, giving her a chance, to not commence war.
"Guys, knock it out." Says Ella from the corner of the cupboard.
"No, she touched my boyfriend!" Exclaims Megan.
"Guys!" Bellows Billy.
"WHAT?" Megan and I shout.
"Come on girls, we teach our students to be ladies!"

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