Lottie's Diary - Hunger

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Dear Diary,
My hunger for drama has grown and I have since listened to every word spoken from they're selfish evil lips. I've heard they're plans, they're affairs, they're fights. Each word taunts my mind like, they have this plan, a plan that will actually work! But I think my plan is better. Obviously. They're such dumb little spoilt cows, slags with their boyfriends. They never involve me. Never talk to me, no, not anymore. I'm just a shadow to them! But back to my plan. I'm going to be their new boss, make them do all the hard work for me! Easy! Now, how do I go around doing it might you ask? Well, I have PLENTY of secrets which will just rip they're 'gang' to shred. Then I'll have Jake to myself. Or Jackson maybe. They're the fittest. I mean, there is Chris but, I couldn't do that to poor Ella, could I? Well why don't I just have all three to my self? Sounds good to me! They're sending out the happy couple tonight. I want to see what skills they have before I recruit them. I'll take all of them but, I want to know what my employees assets are! Like tits! But how will you get them to listen, Lottie? Ah! That's the clever part. If they don't obey my every order, I'll snitch on Ms Dredge! I know! Amazing right? I never knew I was so evil! I asked Katy if she wanted to join me but she thought I was mental. I have counselling now. Anyway! That doesn't matter. I have PLENTY of drama to back me up:
1) Charlotte is having a secret relationship with Jake
2) Keoni hates Megan because she secretly likes Hunter
3) Keoni loves Hunter
4) Harry has anxiety
5) They're master plan
6) Megan's always hated Mia
And I'm sure that's more than enough. They haven't noticed me listening, idiots. I'm so excited for my plan, I hope they don't die because I really want to get out of here BUT if that doesn't work, I can always black mail the teachers into saving me. (I know they're going to shoot us all on Sunday). I want to get to work as quick as possible soooo I'm going to tell them I've been listening to them in the morning. Hopefully that will make them get a move on. I'm getting bored, I want to spice it up abit. Is that such a crime? Surely not, not in this horrible deathly world. Thanks for listening to me Diary, speak to you soon.

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