Lottie's Diary

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Dear diary,
I haven't seen Charlotte, Ella, Megan, Mia, Jess or Keoni in forever! I know they aren't telling me something, and I'm going to find out. But for the first time in ages I saw Charlotte outside the changing rooms? Why? She was looking dead shady and grinning awkwardly at me. She's hiding something and I know it. I try to sit next to Jess at lunch but she always pushes me away. I asked Katie if she knew what was going on with all of them, but she said,
"We all haven't seen our families in a week, everyone's acting differently. Like, I miss my Dalmatian and my house and my family but I know I'll see them soon." Then she hugged me. I'm sure she's right, but, I know there's something more to the story. Soooo, I followed Charlotte, I found some real gossip. Charlotte went to the cubicle with this really fit lad called Jake, abit short but he seemed dead nice. They went into a cubicle as I listened to their conversation, these are the notes I took from their 'chat'.

"I really like you but I don't know if we can be together"
"We can't let our friends know we're together"
"My friends will never talk to me again if they ever find out"
"But I think I love you"
"I can't think I can bottle up these feelings anymore"
"I want to be with you"
"Just keep it a secret for a little longer"
Result! Finally I have something against them. Maybe I could use this, really stir this whole situation. Anyway, it's getting abit boring being locked up in school.
OH! But I have more! We all thought Keoni was sent home as punishment, but she isn't! This is the juicy part. She returned to the school, covered in green blood? What the hell do they get up to in Keoni's house? Apparently it's zombie blood. Yeah right! I over heard them say it in the toilet cubicle, but I'm not going to believe that bullshit. There's more. Keoni's 'friends' decided to lock her in the cupboard! I know! But, it was with this gorgeous boy, no one knows what his name is but he's been flirting with Megan which really upset and annoyed Keoni so they were pure fighting and arguing over how he was proper chatting up Megan. So I made some notes, she's so jealous.

"Don't try that with me"
"You were flirting with Megan"
"Don't act like that"
"She's a pretty girl, what was I supposed to do"
"Ignore her"
"I wanted to ask her out"
"Knew you were jealous"
"I'm not jealous"
"You were my first kiss"
"Of corse I don't take it back"
Aha! More drama, great! Who needs food when you have this much drama? Hah! I'll black mail them. Make them tell me what they're doing, then I'll be the boss.
I'm sure I'll be writing to you soon. Thanks diary.

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