Mia's PoV - The Spy

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Lottie's in the doorway, holding a small leather journals, firm in her grasp. It's locked? Well, I don't really know much about Lottie, don't really speak to her, so I just awkwardly smile as Jackson waves a limp wave. She raises an eyebrow and turns to walk down the hallway, taking long slow steps. We don't know what to do but follow her, so we do, each long step takes us to the changing room. As we near closer the changing room, Lottie has an evil smirk on her face. We're here. I reach over Lottie to open the door,
   "I'll let myself in thankyou." Lottie says, pushing my hand away and shoving the door open with her foot as the thick sole of her shoe smacks against the wood. "Rise and no shine people, time to wake up!" She says as everyone springs to life with excitement to see Jackson and I. But it wasn't just us. Jess smiles at Lottie, a pitiful smile, not a good idea.
   "Lottie, no offence but this is our sleeping room, so could you leave?" Says Jess, pauses to look at us awkwardly,  "thanks." She ends the sentence, thinking Lottie would just leave under her comment. Not a good idea. Lottie laughs in disbelief and shock at the way Jess spoke to her. Jackson stands behind Lottie, giving gestures to Jess to shut up. Lottie says, (without even looking at Jackson standing BEHIND her)
   "You should listen to Jackson." We all gasp at Lottie, how could she even see Jackson? "If you want this to go the easy route then shut up." She says as we all feel threatened and scared. "Oh" she says, in a baby voice, as if we were tiny little kids. "Don't be scared! I have good news." She continued, looking down at us, even though she's half our size. But the good news lightens the atmosphere, "well, for me it's good, I guess for you it's," she pauses, building tension into the room that it could fill the ocean! "Horrible news!" We lose any bit of excitement in our minds
   "What do you want, Lottie?" Asks Charlotte, standing up to her, not afraid unlike everyone else.
   "I want you lot to get to work! I own you now! Duh. I know your whole plan, all you secrets, all your affairs. Everything." Replies Lottie, instantly scaring Charlotte away and making Ella scurry behind Chris.
   "What?" Asks Ella, scared and shaking in horror.
   "Well! I'm your boss. So you have to do what I tell you." Says, Lottie, rubbing her hands together, exited.
   "Yeah cos a midget barbie doll can be my boss. Yeah right." Says Hunter, shoving her towards the door, chuckling. Keoni smiles in disbelief that Hunter didn't show a punch of fear.
   "Bad idea Hunter." She says, shaking her head in disappointment. "I had high hopes for you as well, such a shame." She turns and tuts.
   "How do you know my name?" Says Hunter confused and scared in the back of his brain.
   "I told you! I'm your boss. I know everything about you. Like how you like Megan." Says Lottie, with an evil glare as Keoni sobs in embarrassment, Hunter blushes and Billy turns red in anger.
   "Obviously, who could resist this face?" Says Megan, tossing her hair and holding back Billy.
   "Right now that I have your attention, you know that I'm the boss. I can control you. Like Chris." Says Lottie, looking at Chris with wide eyes. "Your my boyfriend now." We all gasp.
   "No, I'm with Ella, I love her not you." He says, holding hands with Ella. She nods as tear fill up her eyes.
   "Well then, I guess I'll go to tell the teachers your big plan." She replies, turning to the door but me and Jackson block her path.
   "No way." Says Jackson, putting his arm in front of her.
   "Just go Chris." Says Ella, letting go if his hand and turning. He walks towards her in shame.
   "Kiss me." Says Lottie, going on her tip toes to kiss him. He bends down and their lips crach into eachother as Lottie forces his love for Ella onto her.
   "And you." She says, pointing at Jake.
   "No!" Says Charlotte. Why? She doesn't like Jake.
   "Oh, yeah, they're actually together behind your back."

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