Keoni's PoV - Hear say

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We walk out of the PE block, my handy bat in one hand, and his hand in the other. He was tightly gripping a pen knife, holding it ready to attack any zombies. I check the curb for teachers, and zombies. Oh no! Three zombies are limping this way, pale and groaning.
   "I think it's best we stay here for the night." He says, pulling me closer behind the door, hiding us from the dead. I nod,
   "It's for the best" I say, grinning in agreement and content at the thought. I drag him towards the cupboard and smile, closing the door behind us. I turn on the lights, revealing his pearly smile. We lie on the hard floor and use our jackets for blankets. "I'm so cold," I say, shivering. He wraps his arms around me and breathes on the back of my neck, instantly warming me, "thanks." I reply, as he hugs me.
   "No problem." He says, chuckling to himself. I have the weirdest dream, me and all my friends are on a weird bus to nowhere, but we're all excited. And these boys are there! What? I've never met them before, will they hurt me, or my friends?

Ah! I scream, instantly waking up from my night mare. He jumps, startled from my squeal.
   "Are you ok?" He polices, concerned about my wellbeing.
   "I'm fine, just a horrible nightmare." I reply, rubbing my eyes and catching my breath. It's morning, but I can't hear any birds or any sunlight or my mum's breakfasts in the morning. He turns to me, tired and stretching out his muscles, ready for the day. We both spring up to life and put our jackets back on, we're both in good spirits. The boy goes to the corner to grab something, a crowbar.
   "This'll come in handy." Exclaims the boy as he walks back to the door. He checks the curb this time, clear. Yes! We both race towards the double door, with our weapons firmly in hand. We get to the doors, they're locked! "Don't worry, I got this." He says, forcing open the doors using the big rusty crowbar. The doors leave a small crack for us to squeeze through, allowing us entry. We both then force them shut, locking out any zombies. Result! We walk down a narrow corridor to where we found to dreaded head teacher's office. I stop outside; I can hear Ms Dredge talking t another demon. "C'mon!" He exclaims, gesturing us away from her office. I instantly shush him, letting me listen into they're conversation.
   "We're running low on food! How are we supposed to feed 360 students? Seeing as I threw most of them in the field. Punishment. If we don't end their suffering quickly, then they'll die a slow and painful death. It's our duty to protect them. We'll do it on Sunday at the service." Ms Dredge continued, leaving me and him in shock and horror. We need to get my friends by Sunday. We look around, but the office is isolated from the rest of the school, I guess for privacy for when she throws people into the field.
   "We'll have to use a window." I whispers
   "But they're all boarded up!" I reply
   "I'm sure we'll find one." I says, with high hopes of finding my friends. "Why do you want to find them so much?"
   "Because they're my best friends." I reply instantly, confident in my answer, "and they're probably the only people I have left!" Which is the sad truth, making him bow his head in sadness.
He forces open the doors again using his crowbar, letting us escape the prison. We walk round, cautiously, looking for a window. He nudges me and points at a clear window.
   "Look!" He exclaims, "There's one!"
   "Yeah, behind a massive field of zombies." I reply, disappointed.
   "We can't give up, we have to save your friends." He says, crouching down to a dead zombie on the floor. He picks out guts and brains from the corpse and rubs it on himself. I glare at him in disgust.
   "Ew, what the hell are you doing?" I say, repulsed at his actions.
   "I'm covering my scent, so the zombies think we're zombies and don't eat us!" He replies, covered in rotten flesh. "Now you." He continues, passing me a pile of guts on his palm.
   "No way." I sap, pushing his hand away from me. He rolls his eyes and tuts.
   "Well, its either be a zombie or act like a zombie. You pick." He says, annoyingly correct. I begin to sob as I smear the flesh across myself, making my uniform disgustingly filthy. He then takes me hand and kisses me,
   "Good luck."
We walk at the same pace, slow and steady, nearly unnoticeable, being completely ignored by any zombie in sight. I'm shaking and breathing heavily, sobbing. Each time I'd cry, he'd squeeze my hand in reassurance.
We're here! He knocks on the window, attracting the zombies. Then he bangs. The zombies start to inch closer, threatening our lives with their gnashing yellow teeth. Then I begin to bang the window as we both scream for help. When I say scream, I mean scream. We didn't stop until the window was opened slowly.

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