Taking control

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The fight grows bigger, blood flies across the room, the heavy panting and groaning as they become tired. I can't tell who is winning, but I don't wish to know, Mia and Megan are screaming and crying, trying to make them spot by joining forces despite their small dispute. It's a tug of war between them, how the demons can't hear them is a mystery. The fight drives to a silence when Jackson throws Billy against the wall, grabbing him by the collar of Billy's shirt, Billy shoves him back and spits on him. Jackson wipes the bloody spit off of his face and steps back to embrace Mia, sobbing. Megan grabs Billy's arm and holds him back. I take a deep breath, for I am about to give the most important speech of my life,
   "Today is the beginning of our lives, it may be short but, we'll make it through. Through all the herds of zombies, through all the obstacles. Each one is a learning barrier to help us survive. Just think, we have a massive food supply, gun supply and we have eachother. We can easily do this together a team effort." I say, directing each word, each breath, each meaning to every single person. Jakes behind me, in case I need someone to fall on. I do. But I pretend that I don't, I hate to show my emotions, break down my wall. Never.
   "Yeah, but if we take all the food, what about everyone else? We can't let them die! I can't bare the thought!" Exclaims Ella, sobbing and clutching on Chris like a baby.
   "Every man for them self, Ella is it?" Says Hunter, stating the importance of our survival and showing the first glimpse of affection yet selfishness of himself. Ella nods in response but Chris squeezes her tighter, feeling threatened. "We all have to protect our selves to ensure survival, so you can have that perfect life you've always dreamed of. Don't worry, your boyfriend will protect you." He says, winking at Ella, making her blush, Chris glare and Keoni nudge.
   "Yeah, Hunter's right, we have to survive, and the best way to do it is to take the supplies and escape to some where only we know." Megan continues, then singing Somewhere only we know, "Remember when we were going to sing that in the talent show?" This instantly lightens the mood and spreads a smile across each face in the changing room. "But now this?" Which brings the mood low again.
   "So suppose we do do the plan, how will we get every weapon out of the school without being spotted?" Asks Mia, scared and determined t survive.
   "Yeah, how could we escape? Especially with tons of food, water and weapons?" Continues Jackson, supporting and emphasising Mia's questions.
   "I think Charlotte's onto something, if we move the weapons into here before Sunday, stock them up, then we can escape on Saturday night, with the food. We can use all of your bags for food and two weapons each?" Says Jake, adding onto my plan.
   "Yeah, but I'm not strong enough to carry a bag full of food and two weapons!" Exclaims Jess, feeling unworthy and useless. "I just want to help, if it means us getting out of here, I'll do my best."
   "Yeah, it's a good idea guys but, I'm too weak too! You know how much I want to help." Continues Ella, holding onto Chris, hanging weak and helpless.
   "We all want to help! Why don't we get the strongest to hold 3 weapons and the weak to carry the food." Says Megan, persuading everyone, pushing us ahead, making us feel stronger. "I know I'm a weak one! I admit it."
   "I can carry weapons no problem but I don't know if I can go that long with too much stuff," says Mia, trying to look her best.
   "I'll carry them" Jackson pauses and winks at Mia, "I'll help ya" he says, embracing Mia and kissing her on the forehead, making her feel special and as if she has a purpose.
   "I'll carry all the weapons in the world if it means saving Ella." Says Chris as he wraps his arms around her waist and smiling down at her.
   "Thankyou, Chris. I'll carry as many bags of food and water as possible." Ella replies.
   "Yeah, I can't take too many but I can definitely help!" Says Billy, happy to help as per usual, grinning at Megan.
   "Looks like I'm on food as well, I mean, look at me!" Jess says, laughing at herself, lightening the atmosphere with her dazzling grin.
   "Lord knows I would help carry weapons but I just can't! There's no way I'll be able to carry any weapons. Sorry Jess." Says Harry, feeling useless and unworthy of Jess' affection.
   "Aww don't worry, I'll still love you no matter how many weapons you have. At least you're strong enough to admit it, look Harry, I love you. And no matter how much muscle you have, that doesn't affect my love and affection I have for you. Ok?" Says Jess, rubbing his arms, he nods and then they kiss passionately in the corner, making us all have more hope and faith that love will get us though this. Hopefully, the love I have for Jake will get me through and what he has for me will get him through. I do love him, he knows that. That's our light at the end of our tunnel.
   "I know I can carry weapons. I can do this." Keoni says, standing tall with purpose and strength.
   "That's what I love about you." Says Hunter as he sways Keoni over his knee and kissing her softly on the lips, "I'll carry some too!" He says, bringing her back up, leaving her flustered and red.
   "I'll take some no problem, anything for survival." I say, Jake comes up beside me and winks at me, driving butterflies around my stomach and making him grin as he knows how I feel when he winks at me (I told him in the cubicle).
   "I knew you could." He says putting his arm around my shoulder in a friendly manner, making me feel unwanted and neglected; all of my friends have all this romantic beautiful attention from boys but why do I have to keep this a secret. I want to tell the whole world I love him, well, the little of the world left. "We'll start collecting the weapons and food tonight, take shifts." He continues, I like his plan.
   "The weapons are kept in the sports stock cupboard and the food is in the kitchen, of corse, but, Ms Dredge has moved her office closer to the exit, making it easier for people to be thrown into the field." Keoni says, explaining every detail of the directions.
    "Oh yeah, what happened out there by the way?" Says Jess, laughing at herself in disbelief at the fact none of us asked. "Just never crossed my mind."
   "Well they tied me to a chair and asked me questions but I refused to answer, then they threw me into the field from a fire exit. I was surrounded but then I saw a hand reach out to me, that was my only option at the time. So I grabbed it. It was Hunter, who saved me." She says, fluttering her long black eye lashes at Hunter.
   "Yeah, then we almost got ourselves killed trying to save you lot." Adds on Hunter, agitated about their past.
   "That's all in the past now. Let's just live in the now. Tonight is Mia and Jackson getting the weapons, they're both pretty strong." I say, ready to escape and desperate to survive, as is everybody.
   "I bagsy the base ball bat!" Exclaims Mia as we all look at her in confusion. "What? I want to be like Harley Quinn!" We all laugh.
   "I'll be your joker!" Replies Jackson, winking cheekily with his joke.

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