1 more day - Keoni's PoV

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What? I? I feel dizzy... wait, where am I?
   "Keoni? Keoni?!" Exclaims Jackson, staring into my eyes, gently hitting me in the face.
   "Ah! Jesus! Stop!" I shout, waving his hand away from my face, springing back to life.
   "Keoni! They - broke - and the -" he's panting, panicking, what's wrong? Is he ok? Is it his arm? "Just look outside!"
I wake up, wiping the drool from my cheek, everything's spinning and blurry, I - I. I shake my head and look outside.
My heart stops beating.
Everything stops spinning.
And Jackson calling my name keeps on repeating in my head.
A herd of the dead are flooding the garage, groaning and lurking around the bus.
   "Keoni, you there?" Asks Jackson, shaking life into me.
   "Yeah, at the moment." I reply, looking at him, our eyes meet and fear fills me so much; tears rise in my eyes. I'm so scared I'm trembling. I race to the end of the bus and grab two guns. I hand one to Jackson; he frowns.
   "Are you joking?" He asks, showing his stump.
   "So you mean I'm meant to do this by myself?" I ask as he just nods sympathetically. Great! Fucking marvellous. I go towards the door, where zombies amble aimlessly past, revealing their deathly faces.
   "A gun! Seriously?" He asks me, making me very confused, "The noise'll attract walkers from miles away!" He cries.
   "What am I meant to do? Kill them with my bare hands!" I say, throwing my arms in the air in frustration yet fear. "We're not all as strong and majestic as you." I continue, he drops his glance to the ground in sadness.
   "Bare hand." He says,
   "Oh shit, I'm sorry." I say, rubbing his shoulder apologetically.
   "Nah, it's not your fault, I just. I just feel shit that I can't help you, it's just if the walkers smell my blood, well they'll come from miles away to get me." He says, taking the gun from my hands.
    "What can I do then?" I ask, empty handed, weaponless.
   "Do you know where that crowbar went?" He replies, looking around. You must be fucking joking! As if a pissing crowbar is going to help me (a teenage girl) take out a whole fucking swarm of zombies! Maybe in a film. Or your favourite horror book. But not this, this is real life. Real death. True nightmares. "Ah! Found it!" He says, a crowbar in his hand. Great! He found it.
   "Oh, whoopdy fucking doo!" I exclaim, ragging the crowbar from his grip. "I'm sorry, I'm just. I'm fucking terrified." I explain, holding the crowbar by my side.
   "No problem! If I had to do what you're about to do, I'd go fucking insane." He replies, making me feel better about being a bitch. But I do have good reason, to be fair. Then I realise, what I have to do next, what a shit show.
I walk, slowly to the doors, there's a bit of a clear path by the door, giving me a bit of relief, but not much. Not much at fucking all.
   "Are you really going to do this?" He asks, just before I open the doors, giving me time to think.
   "Don't have much of a choice, do I?" I reply with a question, my mum used to always do that, it would do my head in! I never thought I'd be like her, always like my dad. Never fully there, always... off, 'away with the fairies' mum would call us, I hated that and all. But there's nothing I miss more than my family. Nothing.
   "Do you want me to tell Hunter anything, you know, if you don't come back?" He asks.
   "Don't tell him I love him." I say, making him confused and taken a back.
   "What? Then, what do I say?" He replies, intrigued to know.
   "Tell him, don't go changing kiddo."

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