Hits the fan

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We leave the room to go to the toilet and all the teachers are gone. Ella is determined to walk as slow as possible because we are on 'lock down'. As we tip toe to the toilets, we bump into Mia and Jess, both out of breath.
   "We were just going to go to your form and see ya but," Mia exclaims between each heavy breath from running through corridors trying not be caught by a demon.
   "SHHH!" Ella loudly shushes Mia like a crying baby. "We're on lock down! You have to be quiet." Ella whispers. We all look at her in confusion.
   "We aren't on lock down!" Jess cries, shaking sense into Ella. Megan separates them.
   "Just be quiet, you don't want a teacher to hear you now do you?" Megan says, persuading us to turn down the volume.
   "Yeah Megan's right," I say as Megan stands with a smug look on her face, "for once lol."
   "Shut your face" Megan says jokingly. We all laugh quietly on our way to the toilets.
It is really nice to laugh, it's been ages since we've all had I good laugh, but it is time to be serious. We go in to a cubicle and are all squished and uncomfortable. I pull out the phone and swiped across the screen
"Shit." I say, as my face drops. They all look at me in confusion, "there's a passcode." And everyone but Jess sighs in disappointment.
"It's 1234!" Jess exclaims as if it is so obvious. "But wait, what if something bad really is happening? What's going to happen?" We all pause and look at each other for an answer feeling lost and scared. I hold Jess' shoulder to comfort her, but if truth be told, I'm not very good with the whole 'comforting' thing, but I'm giving it a try,
"In all honesty, none of us know what is going to happen. Maybe we are on lockdown and we're just being abit paranoid. Or some seriously catastrophic shit is going down. But no matter what happens, we will find a way to survive this whole situation, ok?" Jess nods her head in reassurance.
"But what about when it all hits the fan?" Megan asks, terrified of my answer.
"Well, like I said, we will find a way." I reply, confident with my answer.
"Play the recording!" Mia exclaims, desperate to hear the service and prove to Ella and Megan what's REALLY going on.
I press play.

The recording finishes, leaving Ella and Megan in shock. Ella stands frozen with her mouth wide open as Megan turns to me with shear fear and horror sparkling in her eyes.
   "I think it's already hit the fan."

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