2 more days - Keoni's PoV

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We leave the changing room, the sound of Ella bashing Lottie's brain in still rings in my ear drums, it made me feel - well - sick. Like, as if everything was in slow motion, but I hated that bitch, glad she's gone. Not glad she left like that - I've never been much of a violent person.
"I know what you're thinking." Whispers Hunter, as we peek around a dark corner.
I roll my eyes.
"Oh yeah, what?" I ask, checking if the coast was clear.
"You're thinking about Lottie." He replies. Damn it, I tut in annoyance, but the more he annoys me the more I want to kiss him. I think. "And you're thinking about kissing me." He continues, I blush.
"How can you read me like a book?" I exclaim, making him instantly cover my mouth and shush me. "Oops, sorry." I whisper through his fingers against my lips.
He rolls his eyes.
I push away his hand.
"How can you act so normal? We've just witnessed a 13 year old girl get beaten. To death. It just keeps replaying in my head like a broken record." I ask him, intrigued to know his answer, unveil the mystery.
"You don't know what I've seen." He replies, confusing me.
"Well tell me what you've seen." I say, scared yet excited as he laughs.
"Let's just focus on the mission." He snaps back at me.
"Mission? It's not fucking 007 - it's the apocalypse. We're probably going to die." I sass, the scene of Lottie's murder swirling round in my head.
He laughs again; I grow angrier.
"Is this some joke to you? I'm so scared," I pause to let out a cry, "I don't know anything about guns, or surviving or anything! I just want to cuddle with my family on a couch and watch Frozen, screaming the lyrics of Let it Go at the top of my lungs not knowing how lucky I am to have them by my side." I whimper and curl up at the bottom of the wall.
"Do you remember that day, the day we met?" He pauses as I nod. "I can protect you. I always will and I will do what ever in my power to get you out of this mess."
"How can I trust you?" I ask, wiping the tears from my eyes.
"Fine. I watched my mum, sister and baby brother die. I could have saved them. I was running late for school and my mum was hiding the fact she was ridiculously stressed; my dad was in the army so she was 'technically' a single mum. We stop at the traffic lights and my mum drops me off. She said to me, and I'll never forget, 'don't go changing kiddo', as I walked from the car, a walker ambled in front of the car, making my mum swerve and crash then a whole bunch of zombies rush over to the car of bodies like flies to shit, all I could do was watch. Watch them all eat my family. I sprinted, breathing so deeply that I felt like I couldn't actually take in air. They were dead. I stayed out on the streets for a while until I saw you. Shit scared and defenceless and since that day. I've promised to protect you, and 'don't go changing." He chuckles, "I guess that's why I still have my shitty sense of humour." He continues, filling the hole in my heart like plaster in a wall. No matter how sad the story is, I feel sort of happy, like a peace inside of me and I can see the weights instantly lifted from his shoulders. He picks me up from the floor and wipes my eyes, I caress his hand.
"Don't go changing kiddo." I say, winking and grinning at him making him laugh.
"Come on." He says, nudging his head for us to leave.
We turn around the corner to hear banging and crying through a door.
"Shit, what rooms that?" He asks, a terrified look printed onto his face. My heart sinks into my stomach. It's Ms Drudge's office, making my mind flash back to the day they threw me into the herd. That nightmare that slowly kills me on the inside. The stained yellow gnashing teeth and colourless eyes. The big door calls my name to go inside but Hunter holds me back, "What the fuck are you doing? I just made a huge speech about protecting you then you instantly going into a room where the cries of possibly dead people are coming from!" He exclaims, begging me to stop. I need to know.
I open the door, revealing Jess and Harry crying with their hands tied.
"Keoni!" Cries Jess, trying to break from their ropes. "We need to get out of here." She continues.

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