Mia PoV - Attention

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It's the morning but we can't tell. Everything's dark from the blacked out widows with thick layers of black material from the textiles department. But I could tell it was morning from the school bell, which goes off every hour at night! The eleventh bell is for morning, 7:30 everyday. They wake us up with registration in the hall, lined up in alphabetical order, the lists get shorter each day. We assume they leave, but they're probably ate. We also have 'break in' drills, in case a criminal gets in. Yeah right, zombies more like. This morning isn't a regular one, today we'll probably be ate by Keoni and her 'friend'. I know this is a bad idea, even Jackson agrees! I feel like he's the only one who always agrees with me and really understands how I feel. I mean, I do have Charlotte but she's been acting really weirdly lately. But yeah, the rest of us wake up, pulling the jackets away from us and rubbing our eyes.
   "Guess we better go for registration." Ella says, stretching out all of her limbs releasing a groan. We all jump up,  attempting to spring to life, the little we have left. We enter the hall in single file line, silence is a spell over the whole room. We're done. Thank God! We leave, holding hands, scared.
We walk along the corridor and wait behind the cupboard door, shaking.
   "Guys, this might be our first contact we've ever had with a live zombie, we have to be prepared." says Charlotte, calming our nerves, "Megan, pass the bat Keoni had when she came here, we might need it." She says, stretching out her palm at Meganfor her to pass the bat, she exchanges the weapon. Charlotte nods at us, trying to reassure us.
   "Guys, I know they aren't zombies but if anything bad happens, I want you all to know that you're my best friends." Says Jess as we all group hug and smile. Charlotte slowly opens the door, releasing a hissing creak.
   "Guys, what the fuck are you doing?" Says Keoni, staring at us in disbelief. We all look at eachother and laugh, thanking God. A massive group hug packs the cupboard, leaving the boy squished in the corner. We leave the cupboard, creeping slowly to the changing room, the boys heavy feet making a racket. We all shush him as he is annoying us, but he's still fit. My eyes are on Jackson though, I'm pretty sure they are. We enter the room and all the boys glare at the visitor, they're jealous. He winks at Megan, making her giggle and blush but Keoni nudges him and gives him a threatening glare. Billy seems agitated about Megan's response,
   "Who the fuck are you?" He says, shoving the boy into the corner, making him laugh. "Who are you laughing at? Who are you winking at?" He says with his fist to his face, threatening a punch.
   "Surely that's not how you welcome a guest?" The boys says, pushing Billy's fist away from his face, "get your nasty ass fingers out of my face."
   "No you winked at Megan, that's not on!" Says Billy, making Megan reach and grab Billy and stare him in the eyes, "she's mine." He says, looking deeply into Megan's soul, making her grin.
   "Oh Billy!" She replies before kissing him passionately.
   "Right well, now that's over with, welcome!" Says Ella, Chris' arm around her waist smiling a welcoming grin at the boy. Jess then introduces everyone to them, they all wave and say hello.
   "And you are?" Says Charlotte as she walks closely to him, Jake following her every step.
  "Well this is - wait - who are you?" Says Keoni laughing at her self.
  "Oh well done Keoni, you don't even know your boyfriend's name!" Exclaims Jess, laughing at Keoni.
   "He is not my boyfriend!" Keoni replies, blushing.
   "Well you want him to be" says Jess, grinning.
   "Well I'm Hunter, and that's my bat." He says, snatching the bat from Charlotte,
   "No need to snatch!" Continues Jake, protecting Charlotte. Weird.
   "Who asked you?" Replies Hunter, getting close to Jake. Jackson walks over, reaching out to MY and smiling, making me ignore everything around but him. His blue eyes sparkle and his pearly white smile blinds me with love and lust. I tilt my head and take a deep breath to kiss him -
   "Mia?" What? Who said that? "MIA!" Its Charlotte, longing for my attention but the only attention I want his from Jackson. As she speaks, Jackson wraps his arm around my shoulders and embraces me, surrounding me in a shield of charm, protecting me from everything around me. Charlotte clears her throat to attract my attention, not the only thing that attracts me. "I'm going to lay down and reinforce some rules as a result of our new arrivals."
   "Ugh, we already have enough rules and standards!" Exclaims Megan, standing next to Billy.
   "Yeah, the pressure put on girls today to be perfect is ridiculous. You're perfect in my eyes!" Replies Billy, pulling Megan in closer, "Oh Megan!"
   "Oh Billy!"
Ew, that's just nasty.
   "Anyway! The new rules!" Says Charlotte, trying to ignore the new couple in the corner.
   "Oh and you're the boss?"  Says Hunter, questioning her ability.
   "Yeah? And?" Says Jess, defending Charlotte. "You've only just got here, don't think you can go round running the place."
   "I never said that. I'm saying that you get your boyfriend to fight your own battles." He replies, looking at Charlotte and Jake. The whole room goes awkwardly silent.
   "Hunter shut up, sorry Charlotte, carry on. I want to hear you." Says Keoni, breaking the awkward silence.
   "Carrying on. I don't know if anyone agrees but, anyone who fights won't have any lunch. Agreed?" Says Charlotte looking round for everyone's approval,
   "AGREED" we all say, nodding.
Jackson can tell I'm scared and panicking, he hugs me tight and turns my head to face him, our eyes locked and his soft warm palm firm against my cheek, caressing my every pore. My heart is instantly warmed and butterflies begin to race around in circles in my stomachs. My eyelashes fluttering lust and I grin in content as I see his beautiful pouty face.
   "Everything's going to ok as long as we have eachother ok?" He says, pulling me in around my neck, pressing his velvety lips against mine, exchanging love and affection. I nod,
   "Guys?" Says Keoni, instantly unlocking each others gaze. "We found out something, something crucial to our survival."

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