Fellow survivers

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I turn to see my friends on one side of the room, standing there looking awkward and embarrassed and the lads just staring at them, apart from one. Him.
   "Who are you? Sorry but just want everything to be clear." I say, directing all my speech towards them.
   "Well I'm Chris." Says the slim cute blonde one.
   "And I'm William, but you can call me Billy!" Exclaims a high pitched voice with curly brown hair. One turns around, with a gorgeous pouty face and smiles at Mia as he says,
   "I'm Jackson," pushing back his dark fringe. This left a cute timid one in the corner and the mouthy dick head. The shy one clears his throats and stands closer to Jess. Jess smiles.
   "I'm Harry." He says, barely projecting his voice, leaving all the boys in shock.
   "What?" Jess asks, confused as a result of their confusion! "Is he not allowed to introduce himself?" She says as she edges towards him and smiles at him with a glance.
   "No, it's nothing! He just, he hardly ever speaks!" Exclaims Billy, reassuring Jess that they aren't all dick heads.
   "Well I guess that just leaves me!" Yes. It does. "I'm Jake, and who are you?" He asks, glaring at all of us.
   "What's it to you?" Mia asks, giving him a death stare. I look at her as if to say 'shut up', she got the message. "Ugh, I'm Mia." She replies, unwillingly. Ella is frozen still, too awkward to introduce herself. I saw the opportunity to protect her.
   "This is Ella," I say, but is interrupted by Jake,
   "Why can't she introduce herself?" He says, glaring at me as if what I did was a crime.
   "Why are you such a dick head?" Megan quickly replies, making us giggle.
   "Maybe she's just shy, Jake, just calm down." Says Chris as he smiles at Ella whilst she flips her pony tail over her shoulder and smirks.
   "Well I'm Megan and I like walks on the beach-" I pause Megan before she went on. Jess the. Put her hand on Harry's shoulder,
   "I'm Jess by the way" she says as he looks at her and grins.
   "That just leaves you." Says Jake, walking towards me, getting close.
   "No shit Sherlock," I reply, agitated and tired as he puts up his hands in surrender sarcastically. "I'm Charlotte." I continue, trying to get to the point of what is going on. "Now, can you tell us what's happening?"
   "You don't know?" Says Harry. We all look at each other in utter confusion. "Haven't you seen them?"
   "Seen what?" Jess replies, rubbing his shoulder. "We've been on lock down for 4 days now!"
   "Yeah, we've had no contacts to anyone outside." Ella whispers.
   "Well they're probably all dead." Replies Jackson.
   "WHAT?" We all exclaim in shock.
   "Sorry to break it to you but, they probably took them and turned them." Says Billy as he sits down and bows his head in shame.
   "What?" Megan asks, confused as to what they mean.
   "No, don't tell me what I think you're thinking!" Mia exclaims, holding Jackson and looking up to him with hope in her eyes. They all look at eachother.


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