2 more days - Harry's PoV

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Our hearts drop, our stomachs twist.
"That got your attention." Says the demon, leaning in closer.
Jess spits in her face.
"Get out of my face you nasty bitch!" She screams, trying to get anyone's attention, instantly agitating the demon. I'm in shock, so is the teacher, so shocked that she inflicts a vicious slap across her face. The room freezes. I blush with sheer anger.
"Don't you fucking dare touch her! I'm going to fucking kill you!" I bellow, desperate to inflict the most painful and chilling death upon the demon. I stand, raising my arm to punch her, but she laughs. She laughs?
"Do you see the point in fighting? Because there is none. I own you, I own this school! You might as well tell me about your gang because you're never going to see them again! You'll never see the light of day." Exclaims Ms Dredge, making me feel as though I'm below her. Worthless. Nothing. She slams the door behind her and leaves.
Jess begins to sob with her face tilted to the floor, a bright pink hand print on her cheek, it pains me to watch her like that, I want to break from these shackles and kiss her! Caress her every need! But I can't, I can't. I wish I could make her feel happy, feel something! Anything! But I can't, I can't.
   "Jess?" I call her name, making her look up at me, a beautiful pair of brown eyes gaze into mine through her broken tears, instantly breaking my heart.
   "Yes?" She replies, sniffing and snuffling her sadness away, not breaking eye contact.
   "If you weren't here, with me, right now, I'd have no purpose in life. I mean, sure, this life isn't looking too bright but, with you, a little bit of sunlight shines down on me. Us! If we die in here, I thought I'd let you know." I say, turning away from her and sending a single tear rolling down my cheek.
   "Harry! You don't have to tell me that, actions speak louder than words." She says, smirking and slightly confusing me.  She grabs my face and pulls me in for a tentative kiss where our tender lips collide in love and a glimpse of happiness. I love her, I really do.
We break from the kiss, where Jess's eyes are lit up, and a freshly painted grin smeared across her face, giving me warmth to my heart.
   "Love birds eh?" Says Ms Dredge, reentering the room. Crap. "Young love! Isn't it disgusting?" She continues, walking slowly towards us, ruining the moment. "Well at least I know your weakness!"
   "What do you mean?" Asks Jess, holding onto me tightly.
   "I wouldn't use that tone with me, remember what happened last time." She replies, making Jess draw back from Ms Dredge.
    "Don't hurt her, please!" I say, drawing Jess closer to me, shielding her from the demon.
   "Exactly!" She replies, taking a breath as another demon enters the room. "I now your weaknesses!"
The other demon enter, with glaring eyes and a smile, exited by the idea. The twists in our stomach tie even tighter, our hearts drop even lower. I hold onto Jess, never wanting to let go of her but I know, and dread, what Ms Dredge is going to do to her to torture me forever.
The demon slides open a boarded up window and drags Jess up to her level towards the open window where  all I can see is the dark, dead sky and the groans of the herd.
   "What are you going to do to her?" I command as Ms Dredge holds me back, making me agitated and blush with rage and fear.
   "Oh you'll see." She whispers into my ear, sending chills down my spine. The demon slowly moves Jess closer to the window, making her grow nervous and pale like a sheet with fear.
   "Please, I pray to the Lord above, please!" Exclaims Jess, glancing through the windows holding her breath whilst having her hands in the prayer position behind her back, killing me on the inside.
    "Ok, do what ever you want to me, just don't hurt Jess! Please!" I cry as Jess continues to sob and pray, making both teachers chuckle.
    "It's not what we do, it's what you do!" She replies through each breath.
    "What do you mean?!" I bellow, Jess still unaware of anything happening, just her prayers.
Ms Dredge signals the other teacher to commence my torture, oh God, listen to Jess' prayers, save her, not me. The other demon begins to dangle Jess out of the window, above a massive drop onto a massive herd of death. "It's not all about you, and your girlfriend you know!? So many people have suffered, died! And all you care about is her, and your little gang! You're all selfish, stealing the supplies to save this school! Just tell me, whose in your gang?" She says, pausing between each word, right down my ear.
   "Harry don't, please! We can't do that! Let me die, knowing that I love you." Says Jess, swinging over the edge through the window, making tears flood my eyes.
   "I can't! I can't let you die because of me!" I reply, crying and weeping.
   "I can't let the gang die because of our love!" She says, slowly losing grip of the demon's hand. It makes me think, just think of my life without her, yeah it's not much now, but at least I have a meaning, a love, a passion. I love her, I can't lose her. Say it Harry, save your love.
   "Charlotte - Megan - Mia - Gabriella - Lottie - Keoni - Billy - Jake - Chris and Jackson." I say, taking long pauses between every name, as if I was saying the names of the dead.

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