"Just a drill"

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The corridors are flooded with chatty school girls in polished and fresh uniforms but grey gloomy faces. Me and my friends all separate to go to our classes, fighting our way through the crowd. I wait outside the class room in a single file line, feeling unsteady and worried as if something bad was going to happen, am I right? Calm down, it's probably the thought of doing French on a Monday morning. Sir let's us in with a gentle gesture but violently swinging the door open. We all walk in, looking at one another in dread. Placing my book neatly in front of me, I tuck in my chair, letting Sir get past. He hands me a text book with a soft smile and quickly turns to hand out the rest.
   "Page 123, I want questions 1,2,3 and-" Sir pauses as we pray that he won't give us anymore work, but no, "questions 5,8 and a quiz that you can find on page 150" we all groan in pain at the thought of that much work. But. Before I could even put my pen to the paper, a loud alarm goes off, throbbing in my ears. What's that? We all look at each other, puzzled, including Sir. We are all starting to panic.
   " Calm down girls, it's just a drill." He says, reassuring everyone but me. We are all escorted to the hall, passing hundreds of scared and confused faces.
We all enter the hall to see Ms Dredge (the head teacher) standing at a podium, shaking and panting. I can see my friends at the other side of the hall. The sight of their faces comforted me, to see them so calm made me feel calm.
   "Do you know what's going on?" Asks Ella, thinking of all the reasons for why this is all happening? Panicking.
   "How am I supposed to know?" Replies Mia, snappy yet scared.
   "Let's just calm down, I'm sure Ms Dredge will explain everything!" Megan says,calm and collected.
   "Yeah, Megan's right, for once lol. Sir said it's just a drill." I exclaim, instantly calming the mood and atmosphere.
Miss collects herself on stage as all the teachers shush the endless crowd of panicking school girls. She holds the mic close to her mouth, so close we could hear each deep breath. She's shaking, horrified yet calm if that makes sense. She clears her throat and opens her mouth to speak.

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