Harry's PoV - 3 more days

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I shield Jess from the teacher, covering her with my body, feeling my anxiety rise in my throat, struggling to breathe. Jess' breathes heavily against my neck, reassuring me that I'm not alone.
The teacher edges towards us, holding out her hand close to us, pushing us into the corner. She flicks the light switch, revealing her face, glaring into our souls.
   "Miss Pock! This boy is injured!" Exclaims Jess, pulling me closer to her, leaving me confused by Jess. I look at her for an idea of what she's thinking but her face just shows a painting of sorrow.
   "What's happening in here?" She bellows in a deep, intimidating voice, looking down at us.
   "I'm getting him bandages!" Replies Jess, her voice trembling and shaky with every word.
   "He looks healthy to me!" Says Miss Pock, grabbing me and taking me away from Jess.
   "I'm not! I swear!" I shout, choking from her grip around my collar.
   "You're both going to the Head teacher's office. Now!" She then grabs Jess and drags us through the corridors, see awakening all the other students and staining their faces with a look of pity, and a certain alienation from me; being the first boy they've seen since the beginning. Jess wriggles, trying to escape her grip. As for me, I just stay still, knowing there's no point in fighting back.
   "You're not allowed to touch me! This is a violation of my rights as a child! You could go to prison for this." Exclaims Jess, as I look at her confused, knowing that there are no rights, no violations, but plenty of prisons. She looks at me, as if to say 'do it!' So I follow,
   "Yeah, I can call the police for assault and have you sacked." I say, making the teacher instantly stop in her tracks, realising that we have a point, that we 'don't know' what's happening on the outside.
   "Sorry children, follow me, Ms Dredge must talk to you." She says, brushing us off and smiling reluctantly. Hah, our plan worked, me and Jess smirk at eachother as we follow Miss Pock, holding hands and giggling. We're not nervous anymore because we know how to take control, well we think.
We're here, this is the time our hearts begin to pick up a pace. My head is throbbing and doing spins in my head, Jess is beginning to panic too. Miss swings the door open, revealing Ms Dredge sitting behind her desk, despite the time, let's us in then slams the door behind us, wiping the smile from her face. Oh God.
   "Found these on my height watch, trying to take medical supplies." She says, pushing us down onto two folded out seats as the head teacher's eyes follow us as we sit.
   "What are you doing here, boy?" She asks, leaving me speechless, not knowing what to say.
   "He's injured! I thought I could help him." Jess says, making me feel safe from the demons determined to kill me.
   "Cut the bullshit, it might work for Miss Pushover but not on me. Tell the truth before you're thrown into the field." She says, cutting my heart into tiny pieces with a blunt, rusty pair of scissors. My stomach sinks and twists into ghost, taking Jess' hand for support. "You can take your girlfriend with you." She continues, making Jess tighten her grip.
   "Why are you doing this? Keeping us her like prisoners!" Asks Jess, leaning towards Ms Dredge.
   "It's our duty to keep you safe, you're our futures. We thought that if we keep you here, we could save the world with you kids. We've got the supplies but you lot don't have the mind set." She replies, intertwining her fingers and placing them on her desk.
   "Mind set?" I ask,
   "You lot get your parents to do everything for you. How can a bunch of spoilt brats save the world?" She asks, smiling yet disappointed.
   "You don't know a thing about us. Just what grades we get and our attendance. If you think that way then why don't you just let us go?" I asks, letting go of Jess and slamming my hands on her desk, frustrated. Jess then pulls me back down onto the chair, calming me down and smiling at me.
   "What and let you all suffer?" She asks,
   "Well that's what you were going to do to us!" I exclaims, growing angry again.
   "I-I erm." She stutters, searching through her clueless mind for answers.
   "Exactly! You have no morals, no life, nothing. All you've got is this school so you try to keep us here for as long as you can. Because losing the only thing that matters to you is like losing your mind. Just let us go, end this torture." Says Jess, rising to Ms Dredge and pushing her face towards her, intimidating her for a change.
   "Jessica Dignity. How dare you talk to me like that?" She asks, trying not to look weak and inferior to Jess.
   "How dare you keep us here?" Asks Jess.
   "That gives me idea, thankyou Jessica." She replies, standing up and leaving the room, taking Miss Pock with her.
We sit, waiting for them to return.
   "We're going to be fine." Says Jess, knowing that I'm panicking. She's right, I am panicking and in shock, just wanting to run away.
   "Why don't we just run away, leave the gang. Do anything we want when ever and where ever." I saw, looking deep into my eyes with such a passion of love. But Jess looks at me differently,
   "We can't, they're our best friends and all we've got." She says, breaking eye contact, making me feel dead inside.
   "But we have eachother." I reply, so confused.
   "I know but-" she's interrupted by Ms Dredge entering the room.
   "You think you're so clever, thinking you know everything about me. You're wrong, and you know what I'm going to do with you?" She asks, sitting behind her desk with an evil smirk on her face.
   "What?" Asks Jess, growing nervous.
   "You're going to stay in here. No food, no water. We can see if your little 'gang' save you." She says, taking away every breath from our lungs, frozen from oxygen. We look at eachother, so lost and upset.
   "What gang?" Asks Jess, trying to trick Ms Dredge.
   "The one you were just talking about." She replies, shit.

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