Mia's PoV - The end is now

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We hold our heads low as we walk in single file as if we're convicts walking to their cells. Though, I do feel like a trapped prisoner, waiting to be put in the chair, fried to a crisp. Jess is heavily sobbing at the back of the line, then Harry, then Hunter, then me (trying to be strong, holding back the tears) and Ella standing unfazed behind that bitch, a cold blooded murderer. Yes, I know Hunter murdered Ms Dredge, but that was protecting the others! He has good intentions, I mean, he can be a prick, but a prick with good intentions.
   "Guys, look at this differently." Says Ella, we all raise our heads in the hope that she could some how lighten the mood. "Less mouths to feed."  She continues, we all instantly return back to our depressed selves.
   "Well we can't feed anyone when they're dead, genius." Snaps Hunter, making me chuckle, but then I realise, I'm going to die. I never thought it would end like this, not this early. I always thought I'd be a huge pop star, loads of fans screaming my name, crowds begging me for them to write on their faces, the life of a star. Mum said I was destine for stardom, I miss her, I miss her so much, even when she would scream at me for things that were my brother's fault and when she'd ground me for coming home late or getting in trouble at school. Normal life, reality. But I have Jackson now, and Hunter, he's funny, he loves me and I love him. Jackson that is! Not Hunter, Hunter's nice, a nice friend. Friend.
   "We're here ladies!" Exclaims Miss, clapping and presenting us to the audience as if we're antiques, ready for the bidding. I can see everyone, every girl in school, watching waiting. They seem so clueless but, but, they know exactly what's happening. We are to be punished, punished for having hope and bravery for surviving this hell. "Don't be shy, Miss Mia? Didn't you want to be a pop star? Love to have an audience." Adds the demon, leading us onto stage where three other demons stand, one with a goat, the other two without. Ugh, I think I'm about to be sick. Silence strikes the rooms, building tension so much that my hearts feels as though it will burst.
Ella is shoved onto the floor by a demon.
Then me.
Watching behind me, I see Hunter be forced onto the ground.
Then Harry.
Then Jess. She's laughing. Why they hell is she laughing?
   "Miss Jess Docerty, why on earth are you laughing?" Says Miss, in disbelief.
   "Because I know you're all going to hell for what you're doing." Replies Jess, laughing with tears filling her eyes, sanity escaping her blood stream, Harry looks at her with sympathy and love. Love. The demon just laughs, laughs at her insanity, instantly making Harry agitated and bubble with rage.
   "They're all going to kill you, run for your lives!" Bellows Harry to the lost souls of St Andrew's School for Girls.
   "Don't be silly, boy!" Replies the demon with an insecure laugh, terrified of the truth.
   "Shut up bitch." States Ella, so strong and clear that you could hear a pin drop in the room. After another moment of disbelief, Ella spits in the demon's faces, making fury rage inside, setting off alarms to kill, kill, KILL.
   "Shoot her, now!" Demands Miss, pointing at the teachers' guns, indicating to kill Ella, poor Ella.
   "Don't you dare. If you're going to kill someone, kill me. Well, seeing as I was the one who killed your mum, Ms Dredge." Says Hunter, they're eyes lock, an intense staring match and I pray that someone, something will end this whole experience, back to my mum, back to my fans, back to reality.
Her eyes twitch with anger yet tears appear at the brim of her eye lids, grief scarring her heart, if she even has one. Taking a deep breath, she opens her mouth to speak,
   "Fine, give me the gun, I want to do it myself." She says, holding out her palm to be handed a murder machine. The gun has been passed over. I can't look, I can't just let this happen.
   "Why?!" Screams Jess, bursting into tears, asking the question on all of our minds, why is this happening? Why?
   "Stop this, stop all of this! Don't take away out chances of survival for you to have a clean conscience! Just let us live! Please! No one deserves this." I say, begging for our survival. Please. Please.
   "Too late." She replies, no remorse in her tone. Just adjusts her aim, the crowd of school girls turn away, but all of our eyes watch, glaring at this horror film. Not real, this must be a dream, well a nightmare.
Her finger slowly draws back.
We're going to lose another.
And another.
And another.
We all wait, tension killing us, waiting for the first death. Well, not the first. There was Lottie, then Chris, then the tragedy of Megan and Billy in their Romeo and Juliet story. Now us, execution. One billet to the head to end this all. All of thi-
Bricks topple down from the wall, revealing a crowd of walkers and a - a - THE BUS! Is that, Charlotte? And Keoni?! They're here to save us! Save us all!
   "What?!" Questions Miss, lifting the gun from Hunter's head, relieving us all. Ella immediately elbows her in the face, protecting Hunter from a bullet through the skull, holy shit. This is really happening.
   "Guys get in!" Bellows Keoni from the bus, waving her arms in the air like a flaying flame and we're the moths. Run. Run for your lives.
Oh my god, the herd is breaking in! Running, towards the bus, I watch the innocent school girls become a buffet for the dead, making me feel sick again. I stop, this is all too much. I can't, I can't handle this! Holy shot, I think I'm having a panic attack?!
   "Mia! Hurry the fuck up!" Cries Ella as she climbs onto the bus, making me realise, I'm the only one left on stage! Oh shit, the zombies are crawling up to me, reaching out for my being. I'm freaking out. Oh my god. Oh my god! I can't breathe, what do I do?! I make an attempt to step over the dead and bony hands reaching out to me for their lunch.
   "Mia, quick!" Calls Charlotte from the driver's seat, realising something is wrong.
   "She's having s panic attack, guys someone help her!" Roars Jackson, shaking Charlotte to help me. No one comes. Everything is blurry, I think I'm going to faint. Jackson escapes the bus and begins to runs towards me, my knight in shining armour. Please, I'm freaking out! He reaches me and holds my trembling body,
   "You're going to be ok." Says Jackson, pushing back my hair.
   "No, Jackson, your arm!" I reply, panicking even more.
   "I'm fine, anything for you, Mia, please, we need to get out of here!" He explains, pulling me up from the floor with his one arm, bringing me back to reality. Him, he is my reality. We run, stride in stride, run for the hills, the bus, the escape, so close to freedom and survival, frantically skipping for the happy ending I need.
Bus doors stand before me, I can't believe we're doing this! It's happening, but quick, the zombies are running out of food, oh god, a hall full of dead school girls. Forcing open the doors, I see Charlotte swapping driver's role with Hunter, Jackson close and safe behind me.
   "Mia, just count to ten with me and everything will be fine." Says Jackson, hugging my shoulders, warming my heart and instantly calming me.
And breathe. Calm, cool, I am fine. I am happy we're going to make this, escape this hell and survive. Survive. Survive.
Reversing out of the school from hell we venture into city centre, not knowing what awaits. Driving and driving into the fiery red sunset. We have done it. We are survivors.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2017 ⏰

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